Little Bear's Adventures
With Charlie In February, I got to spend some time with Charlie at the cabin. She's 3 now, so I don't think she'll eat me... or throw me... or lose me! Puzzles Charlie took me around the cabin and let me play with games. I wasn't too interested in the puzzle. She could tell and she moved me. Chess I told her I could be the King if she put a crown on my head. She didn't think much of that. Dice Charlie got out the wooden dice. She made me a little chair. Skittles Then Charlie found the biggest of all the games. She had the best time standing all the pins up, on the little circles. She let me watch from above. Riding on the Top Then she wanted Beth to let me ride on the spinning top! That was really not fun. I felt dizzy and of course I fell off. March We went back to the cabin in March. Charlie and Beth did some practicing. I'm getting better at staying on. But I'd rather go back to chess!
Yummy Beth and Don eat these cheddar-flavored snacks all the time. Beth finally gave me my own bag of Goldfish crackers! The bag was almost the same size as me! Guess what? That little bag was empty. Beth said I could have some of hers. But those little fish had sweet little smiles. How could I? And they were also very messy. I passed.
Troll Cave I love playing with Beth's childhood toys. The Troll Cave was a little creepy, but the Trolls welcomed me nicely. I liked the little one with purple hair. Showboat When Beth pulled the old Showboat out of the attic, she looked a little worried. The brittle plastic was breaking in some places. The pink boat didn't look so fun. Back in the Day Beth tried to explain how much fun it was putting on shows... over 50 years ago. She pulled out the scenery and the cardboard actors and the script book. It looked like a lot of work! Stage Fright! Then she invited me on stage for a production of the The Wizard of Oz! My stage nerves worsened when the scene changed and the Wicked Witch of the West appeared! No worries about that Witch anymore! Beth asked around and found no-one who was interested in having a Showboat in their possession. She bagged it up and gave it to Goodwill.
Glad I had a chance to perform just once! What's with this tiger? Every year, Beth enjoys a King Cake and this year she had the piece with the plastic prize! But it was a tiger! It's supposed to be a baby! But Beth grabbed me and pulled out the baby from last year and let us join the fun. We approached cautiously. Luckily that tigers mouth did not open!
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! I rode on my Dragon friend, just for some fun! Then Dragon and I waited patiently for Beth to put food on the plate. There are no food photos. We were too hungry!
Christmas is Over It's sad when the Christmas tree and decorations are gone. But I found a tiny bit of Christmas in the yard! Beth put up a special bird feeder that she got for Christmas. I will sit here and encourage the birds to come have a nibble!
September 3, 2023 Last September Beth was in Springfield, Missouri with her family. They celebrated the 95th birthday of Beth's dad. The celebration was happy, but this funny old post looks weary and sad. Beth and her son went for a jog the day after party and stopped next to this stone post. It stands in the yard of Beth's grandmother's old house. Posing with the Post Don't look for me in the photo. Beth didn't put me in her pocket when she went jogging with Scott. She posed Scott (instead of me) by the post. She told him how she climbed that post when she was a little girl. Buddha When they got up close to the rocky post, Beth and Scott noticed a treasure tucked into the rocks. The little Buddha smiled and so did they! The tiny red Buddha was just about the same size as me. Beth guessed that the little girl who now lives in her grandmother's old house, placed it there. Beth said she was so frustrated that she didn't have me, to add to the photo. December 9, 2023 3 months later, Beth was in Springfield again. This time she was with her sister. Beth and jenni, stopped the car to take a picture. Their smiles look sort of odd. Beth didn't see the Buddha this time, but she pulled me from her bag and tucked me into the rocks. Beth pointed to me for the camera and smiled, a not so smiley smile again. Then Beth took a close-up picture of me. I didn't have much of a smile either. None of us felt like smiling, because Beth and Jenni's dad had died earlier that morning. They said good-bye to their Dad and they said good-bye to the old post and they said good-bye Springfield.
I reminded Beth, "Sometimes it's okay not to smile for photos." Zurich On November first, we woke up to a little bit of snow! We had to leave for the airport early, but Beth ran me out to the square in front of the hotel. I got to sit on a soggy-snowy branch for just a moment! That was fun!
Phelps Park In October, I visited a pretty park in a pretty town, in Iowa. The best part of the park was all the rock! I found so many good places to sit! The Views! I loved the view of the stone walls and shelter. I loved the view of the Upper Iowa River. Yay for rocky places! Yay for sitting in fun spots!
October in Iowa Last time I was in Iowa, Beth posed me in a corn field. On this trip she put me in a tree, with beautiful orange and gold leaves! Maple! The sun came out just enough to warm these old Maple leaves! I sat there a while, smelling good leafy smells. I wish I lived in Iowa.
Surprise! Charlie looked surprised to see me when we were at a restaurant in Austin. She didn't need crayons and paper for entertainment while we waited for food. I was excited when she found an umbrella (from somebody's drink) that was just my size! Food came and it was time for me to go back into Beth's purse.
I don't like being put away. I do like good-bye kisses! HOT! We have had a hot summer in Texas! Over 100 degrees, for days! I sat in the cool mulch for a while. I met a little friend. Thirsty I was worried my friend might be thirsty. Beth brought out a tiny spoon and my friend had a drink. Thank You My little friend turned back to me, when he was finished. I couldn't hear, but it looked like his little wet mouth said, "Thank you."
He's a polite little friend. Playing with Charlie It was a pretty summer day in Sacramento. I got to come out of the bag and spend some time with Charlie. The family had to wait almost an hour for a table at the restaurant. So I was good entertainment. "Grandma Beth" had a good time watching Charlie have fun with me. Charlie is almost two and a half years old and she is very funny. She put me on her nose. Then she tossed me behind the bench. It took Beth a long time to find me. I went back in the bag and Grandma Beth did some explaining to Charlie.
Grand Canyon I can't believe I'm at the Grand Canyon! I'm much happier posing on a stump with Smokey Bear, than near the edge of the canyon! Charlie I'm so happy that I'm traveling with this playful girl! Charlie, Smokey, Yoda and I had fun! Charlie thought it was pretty funny when she knocked me into the funny hole on the stump. Again, I'm glad we were not playing close the Canyon!
Last Italy Post This is my last post from Italy. This is sort of a dramatic silhouette of me! In this photo I am sitting on a rock... ... that is sitting on another rock, which is also sitting on another rock... Good-bye Cinque Terre! Good-bye Italy!
Old I feel as old as this little matchbox. Beth has kept the tiny box since her mother used up the matches in Italy, 55 years ago. I'm not that old, but I look as worn out as that box. I climbed in it for a while, when Beth was packing for the trip. Then I asked, "Why are you taking this box to Italy?" My Pose in Pisa When we got to Pisa, there were about a zillion people taking pictures, pretending to hold up the Leaning Tower, with their hands. People doing poses with selfie-sticks and doing glamor shots. And then Beth just stuck me in the grass, with the matchbox. The Leaning Box Instead of looking cool like everyone else, I just sat in the grass looking like I was holding up this leaning matchbox. I was embarrassed when people walked by and wondered why I was doing this. Beth assured me, they were too busy taking their own photo to notice me. That sort of made me sad. I told Beth she wasn't a very good photographer. because in this photo the tower is blurry and it's not leaning.
Beth said "Oh well." and tucked me away with the matchbox. Later she apologized and so did I. We both blamed our moods on jet lag. Rocks Beth took me to Cinque Terre in Italy. She has always dreamed of visiting the 5 Italian seaside villages. While she stared at the Aegean Sea, I stared at the rocks. I was so happy sitting on the cool, smooth rocks. The sparkly white designs were so pretty. This rock was my favorite. It reminded me of a baked potato with sour cream. Now and then I looked out at the sea.
Riomaggiore, Italy I love a good hotel balcony view! I also loved a warm cup of coffee... to lean against. Beth let me join her on the balcony, while she ate her yogurt and sipped her caffe. It was sunny, but chilly and breezy. I was happy to skip the view and let the warm cup block the wind. Ahhh. Happy!
Mossy Park In April, Beth took me to Italy. We visited a park that seemed to be in the country. There were no swings or picnic tables, but there was lots of moss. You have to look hard to see me in the moss, in this photo. You can also see a mossy wall and the top of some kind of decoration. Surprises in the Park There were no slides or climbers in this park, but there were things even better! Behind me you can see the legs of a sculpture, created hundreds of years ago. Monsters and Creatures The park was filled with sort of scary looking statues. Most looked like monsters. This one just looked like a lady with a thing on her head. I sat on the ground and posed near the lady's legs. She was sitting on the ground, too. Beth posed by the metal bar, that kept people from climbing all over the lady. She was made in the 16th century. She is very old. When They Were Younger About a million years ago, Beth was 11 when she visited this park. The statue was also much younger, in 1969. Usually, I'm the one that gets to climb and sit on fun things. Beth takes pictures of me on flowers and riding on tiny turtles. She can only dream of doing those things. But long ago, Lucky Beth, got to climb on the Lady!
I'm jealous. Bells I traveled by train in Beth's bag yesterday. I woke up today in the small town of Soriano, to the sound of church bells. It's Easter morning and Beth hunted for signs of spring, in the hotel yard. She wanted to pose me in flowers. In a month, these vines will be covered in blossoms. Is this wisteria? I don't know. Flowers We walked up a garden path and Beth saw a few flowers. We even passed a tree with cherry blossoms. I wondered where she would pose me. Chestnuts? Suddenly Beth looked down and got all excited. She gathered a few of these lumpy brown things. She said they were chestnuts and she remembered picking them up as a kid. She remembered the smell of roasted chestnuts in New York City, when she was 6.
Beth is so sentimental. She posed me with chestnuts. Not flowers. |
Little Bear