Little Bear's Adventures
In the Amana Colonies Last fall, Beth and Don took me to a historic village in Iowa. We stayed in a hotel that was once a textile mill. This is me, sitting inside a cardboard tube, wrapped with wool yarn. There were lots of other rolls of yarn. So many colors! Beth let me pick the color I liked best. Green! What do we call those tubes of rolled yarn? It was a pretty display. This display of yarn was near the lobby. I sat for a bit and watched a few people come and go. Beth took me outside to see the old smoke stack. I asked her to pose me way up there.
She said, "Not today."
Phelps Park In October, I visited a pretty park in a pretty town, in Iowa. The best part of the park was all the rock! I found so many good places to sit! The Views! I loved the view of the stone walls and shelter. I loved the view of the Upper Iowa River. Yay for rocky places! Yay for sitting in fun spots!
October in Iowa Last time I was in Iowa, Beth posed me in a corn field. On this trip she put me in a tree, with beautiful orange and gold leaves! Maple! The sun came out just enough to warm these old Maple leaves! I sat there a while, smelling good leafy smells. I wish I lived in Iowa.
Little Bear