Little Bear's Adventures
Yummy Beth and Don eat these cheddar-flavored snacks all the time. Beth finally gave me my own bag of Goldfish crackers! The bag was almost the same size as me! Guess what? That little bag was empty. Beth said I could have some of hers. But those little fish had sweet little smiles. How could I? And they were also very messy. I passed.
Troll Cave I love playing with Beth's childhood toys. The Troll Cave was a little creepy, but the Trolls welcomed me nicely. I liked the little one with purple hair. Showboat When Beth pulled the old Showboat out of the attic, she looked a little worried. The brittle plastic was breaking in some places. The pink boat didn't look so fun. Back in the Day Beth tried to explain how much fun it was putting on shows... over 50 years ago. She pulled out the scenery and the cardboard actors and the script book. It looked like a lot of work! Stage Fright! Then she invited me on stage for a production of the The Wizard of Oz! My stage nerves worsened when the scene changed and the Wicked Witch of the West appeared! No worries about that Witch anymore! Beth asked around and found no-one who was interested in having a Showboat in their possession. She bagged it up and gave it to Goodwill.
Glad I had a chance to perform just once! What's with this tiger? Every year, Beth enjoys a King Cake and this year she had the piece with the plastic prize! But it was a tiger! It's supposed to be a baby! But Beth grabbed me and pulled out the baby from last year and let us join the fun. We approached cautiously. Luckily that tigers mouth did not open!
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! I rode on my Dragon friend, just for some fun! Then Dragon and I waited patiently for Beth to put food on the plate. There are no food photos. We were too hungry!
Little Bear