Little Bear's Adventures
A Small Town I visited a special town, today. I just sat in these flowers and stared up at the old courthouse. Back When I tried to imagine Monroeville, Alabama in 1903 when the courthouse was brand new...and in the 1930's when a lawyer named A.C. Lee walked through these doors. Then I went inside... I looked up at the tin ceiling stamped with dogwood blossom designs and I stared down at the shiny, pine floors...and then I climbed the stairs. Looking Down I stared down over the railing, just like the characters Scout, Jem and Dill did in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. Better than Flowers Then I found a better place to pose than flowers.
I will always remember my trip to this small southern town where Harper Lee grew up. So much of To Kill a Mockingbird was based on her childhood memories here. I wonder if she ever found small treasures in the hole of a tree, like Jem and Scout did? I should have found a tree hole to pose in before I left!
I Love This Island! I don't care about Seawall Blvd with all the beach stuff. I'd rather sit on an iron fence overlooking Broadway, in the old part of Galveston. Perfect Weather In May the Oleanders are in bloom and the trees are that perfect "new green" and the iron fence isn't even hot. Moody Mansion I like to sit and stare at my favorite building, the Moody Mansion. I like to imagine myself living inside 115 years ago, before the Big Storm destroyed many of the old homes nearby. Home Sweet Home I'm going to live here, some day!
Little Bear