Little Bear's Adventures
North Oklahoma In April, I got to stay on an Alpaca farm for a night. Besides lots of alpacas, there was a lot of hay. See Me? Well you don't. I like adventure, but Beth said she would not pose me in that pile of hay. She likes me too much, to risk having me chomped up inside an alpaca's mouth. Here I Am These rolls of hay were outside of the alpaca pens. I had a little fun climbing around on them. But you'd have to have really good eyes to spot me.
Near the Spring Last month I was in Missouri. Beth took me in her camera bag and hiked down a dirt road. I heard her sigh when she found this spot. Stepping Stones There were stepping stones that crossed the spillway, where the spring water flowed into the lake. She looked out at the flat stone surrounded by water... then changed her mind about where to pose me. Tiny Waterfall Beth said this land once belonged to her Aunt and Uncle. She remembered coming here as a little girl and being afraid of the waterfall, because she didn't know how to swim. Thanks, Beth... for not posing me on that stepping stone. It was breezy and I don't know how to swim, either.
At the Beach? I look like I'm sitting inside a footprint, in the sand. A Foot I'm not at the beach and I'm not on sand. But I am on a foot. The foot belongs to a statue and I love this statue. A Bear in St. Louis! This might be my favorite statue in the world. I am sitting on the foot of a bear statue in front of Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri! I love this guy! Two Bears! But I also love this guy. There are 2 bears sitting beside the steps. If you look very carefully you can see me on the bear's leg. If you look up from me a little bit, guess what you can see? Part of the Arch!!
Hiking at Taum Sauk State Park Here I am, sitting in an "O" with my hiking stick. I was trying to catch my breath. Second Vowel If you are good at "Wheel of Fortune" you might guess I am sitting inside the second vowel of the word, MISSOURI. Elevation? But this really isn't about letters. This is about numbers! I hiked up to the highest point in Missouri, with an elevation of 1772 feet. I know. That is not very high, but I have tiny legs. The View The Missouri Ozarks aren't exactly the Rockies... but it's still pretty.
Little Bear