Little Bear's Adventures
This is the life! I'm basking in the morning sun, on a soft palm frond. The fresh new fronds are soft and curly, for now! Soon they'll be stiff and sharp. I have to make use while I can! I climbed up higher and rested a while. The breeze bounced the frond and sort of rocked me to sleep for about a half second. Then the wind gave a blast and whipped me right off of that frond. Lucky for me, I got caught in the curls. Now Beth is all worried. She won't let me sit in the Sago Palm unless I'm all tied down by a bunch of green curly things. That is no fun at all.
Curly Bark Trees with curly bark are the easiest to climb. There are lots of places that I can tuck myself into. River Birch? This is some kind of a Birch tree. River Birch? I'm not sure. I'm just in the backyard and there's no river around here. It's fun climbing up this dry, woody bark. But I see something nearby that looks more fun. Sago Palm The fronds have just opened up on this Sago Palm. The fronds are usually sharp and pointy, but they are all soft and moist and curly right now. I think I'm going to climb from this curly bark, onto the curly palm fronds.
Simple Easter This is our second Pandemic Easter. At least this year, things are looking better. Beth and Don got vaccinated! But they are tired. They just got back from a 3 month trip. No Easter baskets, but there was a bowl of jellybeans. Then Beth boiled 6 eggs and dyed 4 of them. That's just how lazy she is. She couldn't even dye the last 2. But she let me sit on the smooth eggs after they dried. I could smell that boiled egg smell. I would rather sit on a chocolate bunny, any day!
Little Bear