Little Bear's Adventures
New Orleans Corn Today as we gear up to barbecue for Memorial Day... I think of corn. I've posed with a lot of corn in my time. Most recently I posed beside a cornstalk made of iron, at the Cornstalk Fence Hotel in New Orleans. Corn in Iowa A few years ago, I posed in an actual field of corn, at a farm near Postville, Iowa. Corn at Home About 6 years ago, I posed with some yellow corn in the backyard. It was the 4th of July and Beth was doing a little corn shucking.
Please, try not to study these photos too carefully. I don't want anyone to notice how I've aged.
Pondering I've been thinking about Beth's son, who is getting ready to graduate from law school. I don't like studying, so the thought exhausts me. Scales Scales have something to do with law, so he's getting this antique set as a gift. That's kind of mind boggling, too. Weighing Me Down Beth decided to determine my weight, before she wrapped the gift. She said I weigh 2 grams and 850 milligrams... or something like that.
This is way too serious for me. I'd rather pose with flowers. Fiesta, Again! It's no longer Cinco de Mayo, but I'm celebrating again. I got a new sombrero thanks to Beth's friend, Kim. I had my own little fiesta. Fiesta to Siesta My fiesta lead to a siesta. It takes a lot of strength to hold your head up when wearing a sombrero. Even when your sombrero is about the size of a silver dollar!
I took a good, long nap. Lucky It's Cinco de Mayo and I'm so lucky to have a friend. She calls herself Ms. Donkey, but I am re-naming her Lucky as of today! Lucky and Me Beth found a smaller sombrero, so Lucky and I might be able to do the Mexican Hat Dance now. The giant one that I've posed with before, is too large. It takes about 300 bear-steps to make it around the darn thing. Lucky and I have been practicing and should have our dance perfected by evening!
Little Bear