Missing Things I've had lots of excuses to miss things over the past months, but I haven't missed much. I've been lucky that no family weddings, reunions, graduations or even funerals have taken place in recent months. But wouldn't you know, it would end up being a stupid cold that got in the way of a few special gatherings in the past 2 days. Book Club Here's a 15 year old photo of my Book Club. We've had some wonderful additions since this photo and some farewells to some special friends who have moved far away. On Thursday, we managed to grab 2 special "long distance members" back in town for a fun little reunion. I don't have a photo of our gathering, because I stayed less than an hour. It wasn't my first radiation from an hour earlier that wore me out. It was the darn cold and trying hard to keep my distance from others. Former Book Clubber, Anne But the next day, I got a chance to visit with Anne who was in town for a few days from Florida. We sat outside, with a balmy October breeze, catching up. We had lots to share and lots of questions for each other. Anne brought me these beautiful flowers to celebrate my end of chemo. I made her pose with me because I really needed to share her gift... You see, Anne just completed 12 rounds of chemo recently. She is my hero. Missed Wedding Friday evening I had to miss one more thing... the wedding of my son's best "drumming buddy" from his youth. I wasn't sure of my treatment schedule when I sent my "regrets", weeks ago. But as it turns out the radition/cold combo would have gotten in the way. I'm so glad Scott was able to be there to see Steve get married. They've come a long way from surfboards and drumsticks. The Kids I may have missed out on some of my "reunion-ing" in the past 2 days... but I did get to see Scott and Chali briefly and have a little Lola-patting time! And best of all I was reminded of how grateful I am, that we have a whole year to get excited about a family wedding! A year of getting healthy and excited for all of us!
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Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022