Dining in Oregon It's been nearly a year of pandemic dining. We've cooked at home and done carryouts and enjoyed some DoorDash! We've only had one patio dining adventure, back in August. It hasn't been hard. But it's suddenly more complicated. We've been in our Oregon Airbnb for over 2 weeks now. No restaurant temptations, since inside dining isn't allowed. Our riskiest food adventure was picking up food at the Happy Valley Station Food Carts. Masks were required. No excuses, since there was a vending machine for masks! Eating "At Home" Don and I have been ordering curbside groceries. We're being extra safe as we wait the arrival of our grand baby. But it's not easy cooking those groceries. This is getting old. We have a tiny fridge and a microwave. We brought a crockpot and are becoming experts. Kitchen! Heidi and Jamie have a new house and a new kitchen. We'll be able to cook for them at their house, soon. But I don't want to be the first to splatter their new cooktop. Last night, we asked the BnB owners if we could use the outdoor kitchen, right outside our door. They live upstairs so we could have invited them... if we weren't in the midst of a pandemic.
Wow. The salmon was tasty and the twinkling lights were fun. The cold drizzle didn't even bother us!
Don't Miss Shopping I haven't missed malls and shopping in the past year. I'm not a big shopper. But we've been in Portland for nearly 3 weeks. We're in an ill equipped Airbnb and we are helping with Heidi & Jamie, with new house & new baby prep. It's hard not running in stores. But today, we went "shopping". Don decided we should give the parents-to-be our old car. That meant we needed to shop for a new car. We wore masks and so did this nice guy. But we're not used to being around anyone! It felt odd. What about that 6-foot rule? We asked to test drive this Subaru, by ourselves. "Our daughter is having a baby in a week." I added, as if I needed an excuse. We opened the windows and turned on the seat warmers. We ended up buying. It was odd not to shake hands. The last time Don and I shook hands was when we bought a couch, just before quarantine, in March 2020. I remember cringing and saying "Oops! We're not supposed to be shaking hands are we?" Some people have purchased cars online, during Covid and had them delivered. We weren't as cautious as that. But, never have we bought a car so quickly and efficiently.
I don't love shopping, but I actually do love this car! Pandemic Pregnancy All pregnancies come with challenges. Heidi's has been extra tricky. There's the pandemic thing. There's the fact that Heidi and Jamie moved from TX to OR, far away from family and friends. And there's the local move, (5 days ago) from temp housing to new house. Baby comes in a couple weeks! It Takes a Village... or a Few Villages Even though Heidi said a baby shower was impossible, family and friends pitched in. We can't do a Zoom Shower. We're not in a home. There's nowhere to mail gifts. But Sis-in-law-Chali, organized. She sent invites and coordinated with others. Aunt Jane mailed decorations and gift wrap, from NY. Aunt Kate and Aunt Jenni offered their address in OR, for mailed packages... and then wrapped as gifts arrived! Don and I made pandemic-safe stops, on our way from TX to OR, to collect. Confusing, but fun! Shower Yesterday Yesterday, was the shower. Heidi and I took this photo with the camera timer, about 30 minutes before the Zoom gathering. Don and Jamie were off on a secret errand and I had a little alone time with Heidi. It was a nice moment, after days of scrambling to help them move in. Zoom Ready Jamie and Don completed their curbside pickup! They arrived with a sweet cake, that Chali pre-ordered from a Portland bakery. So many helpers! The house was still full of boxes and Heidi's swollen feet were in slippers, but no worries. We were ready for the virtual party, with its limited visuals! Let the Zoom Begin With a laptop resting on a wrapped box, the Family Zoom began. What a treat to have a party, without cleaning a whole house or preparing food. It was fun to see the faces of Heidi's family on the computer screen. Close family and dear family friends, in NY, LA, ID, TX, IL, OK and CA, smiled from their couches... except for one, who chose to Zoom from her peaceful car. (tip for future mother) Thanks Pandemic For a moment I thanked this ugly pandemic for allowing us to all be together. I'm not sure if there was such a thing as a Zoom Shower, before 2020. Without technology, there is no way all these people could have been together to support Heidi. I felt lucky to be there in person, as I handed gifts and listened to the sweet voices. I jumped next to Heidi at the end, when we all shared a few words of wisdom... "Accept help... Keep your humor... Sing to the baby..." Gifts & Support What a treat to suddenly see clothes and essential for this little baby. Heidi and Jamie have purchased little, while anticipating their move. They've been in limbo with housing, since this pregnancy began. The gifts were wonderful, but the support was also needed. I can't imagine 9 months of isolated pregnancy. I remember the fun I had when I was pregnant with Heidi. Lunch and advice with friends. Shopping with my mom and even grandmother. So simple and old fashioned, in 1986. Friends Following the Family Zoom, Heidi had a second hour, Zooming with old friends. As I handed packages to Heidi, I listened to enthused friends, offering their own advice. I loved seeing the gifts that young friends and mothers had to offer. Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls! I love it! I think all babies born during a pandemic will be born with a little extra spunk and resiliance! Practical and Fun As I dashed back and forth with gifts, I snapped a few pics and I listened. I heard oo-ing and awwing, over the cute stuff. I heard helpful tips, for using the important stuff. Then, everyone wanted to see the tummy. Heidi showed her tummy. Jamie showed off the cake... which sadly couldn't be shared virtually. (It was yummy later) Baby 1 There were also requests to see Josie, the furry character who has been the baby since long before these two were married. One friend suggested using Josie to practice "swaddling". I wouldn't wish a pandemic on anyone's pregnancy. It's been extra stressful. Jamie won't meet the doctor until the birth. Heidi will have to wear a mask throughout her labor. I can't imagine.
But, after nearly a year of dealing with a pandemic, we have all learned to adapt. Covid-19 has taught people to find creative ways to be together. This sweet shower was one example. Thanks so much to Chali and Jane, Jennifer and Kate... and all those sweet Zoom Faces! XOXO No Vaccines for Us We're watching less news. Yay. But we're trying to peek at vaccine updates. No telling when Don and I will get ours. We're far from our home where many of our friends are beginning to get theirs. Less chance of us getting vaccinated in Oregon.. On Facebook I see many, posting photos of getting vaccines. It's good to see. But I'm also seeing disturbing announcements. "We lost my brother to Covid last night." And there's a lot that's not being posted, about whole families that have suffered Covid, after holiday gatherings. These aren't friends of friends anymore. These are people I know now. We have to just keep on staying safe. Nearby Parks Our BnB in Clackamas, is near many parks. We need to make better use of our off time and explore. It's been cold, but we've seen more sun than expected. It's nice to be in the fresh air, away from people. Although we have seen a few others on these trails. Luckily, the hikers we've seen, have all worn masks. I guess people who get out and enjoy nature, are the kinds of people who want to keep the world and its people, around a little longer. Cheers for scenes like this! Mount Hood, viewed from Scouters Nature Park!
Hanging Out We're in this Airbnb for 6 weeks, to help Heidi & Jamie move and prep for baby. They're working and they don't need us 24/7. We have a lot of time on our own and that's okay. But, I feel guilty not helping more. Luckily we packed books and games and puzzles and snacks for our stay. And when the weather is sunny, I can read outside. And, there's nearby hiking. No complaints. Helping These 2 I wish we could be of more help to Heidi and Jamie. This is them on Friday. Now this wonderful space, has furniture and lots of boxes. Heidi's feet are swollen from enthused unpacking. Don and I have helped, with carrying and moving things, but we can't make their decisions. It's been 23 years since I moved. I forget how many tiny and huge decisions there are. Cook for the Kids A good mother would cook meals and fill their fridge. But our Airbnb has only a microwave and a blender. We brought the crockpot from TX. I cooked cauliflower and broth for 8 hours. Then I needed to blend it, before adding broccoli. The bathroom was the only place to plug in the blender. My blasts probably perplexed the owners, above. Complicated soup! If these weren't pandemic times, we'd meet them at a nice restaurant or casually pick up a meals. All this safe quarantining was easier, when there was less going on. Doctor's Appointment Today, Don and I offered to chauffeur Heidi to her ob/gyn appointment in Portland. I remember my mom going with me to one of my appointments. But Mom didn't have to sit in the car. And I didn't have to put on 2 masks before going into the building. These are odd times. I was glad Heidi took us up on the offer. Don and I relaxed in the car and watched the sidewalk traffic. We're not used to observing pandemic city life. The world is just carrying on... in masks. Good. We sat and wondered if the baby will come early. Will Jamie be able to be with Heidi the whole time? Covid restrictions change constantly. It was nice to have the 30 minute drive, after Heidi was done. (In the past we've only gotten quick text updates.) Today we learned the baby might be closer to 2 weeks than 3. And Heidi needs to rest those swollen feet... There's nowhere in the new house to raise her feet! Ottoman Emergency We drove Heidi back to the new house. She had a work call at 1:30. We told her we'd drop her off and take care of the ottoman emergency. We attempted a curbside pick up at Target, but no luck. We went in! After months of avoiding inside visits to anything, Don and I walked into Target and grabbed an ottoman. It seemed so sinful, so daring, so exciting! I wanted to grab a million other things. (We need so much at our temp Airbnb!) But we just grabbed the furniture and some Benadryl, that Heidi's doc recommended for sleep.
All this "helping" would be a lot easier if we'd been in our own house with all our stuff. Our Helping Adventures are so minimal, but still satisfying! Local News It's the day after the Inauguration. Trump is not in the news. No Twitter. No spotlight. All feels calm. But this morning a spotted this on my newsfeed. Ugh. We are just outside Portland now. I hate hearing this. "Freezer Bern!" But today I only focus on happy news. This is the best! Last night we chuckled with our kids about Bernie at the Inauguration. Scott mentioned his mittens and how he looked like he was dressed to make a stop at the Post Office. Scott wasn't the only one amused. Twitter was going to town, Bernie Everywhere I'm not on Twitter, but my social media was starting to get flooded. It's no longer a family joke, when the old-timer friends on Facebook are posting Bernie. But I couldn't be happier! I could look at these all day. I think a young teacher made those mittens and I don't think she's taking orders.
Happy New Year! I feel like 2021 just began! Early on West Coast! I happened to wake at 4:30 this morning, in our Airbnb. I was tempted to turn on the TV, since everything happening in D.C., is 3 hours later. But the owners live above us, I slept a couple hours. I lowered the volume at 6:30 and studied the images from bed. Totally missed the Trump's departure. They are really gone from the White House, now. They chose not to attend the inauguration. Melania did not give Jill a tour. Theatre Room It's so weird not to be in our own home. We tiptoed around and made coffee. I didn't know 2 weeks ago, that many women would be wearing pearls today, or I would have packed mine. What a fun way to support our new Vice President. I wore slippers instead. Don and I took our coffee and a box of biscotti to the Theatre Room. Our Airbnb is missing a lot of things, but it does have a media room. How odd to celebrate Biden's Inauguration with just the 2 of us, in this crazy Hollywood Room. Arrivals We were cozy and warm as we watched the colorful coats arrive! Cold in D.C., but sunny. Then clouds and about 3 snow flurries. Then sun! Statuary Hall We watched the arrival of many, walking through this special space. I've "visited" Statuary Hall with my TV, throughout the pandemic. I watched guests arrive for RBG's service in September. I cringed at angry mobs invading, on January 6. This is where the post-inauguration lunch would have been, if there'd been no pandemic. Today, we watched the arrival of the Pences. I appreciate that the VP attended. Was Trump already on the golf course in Mar-a-lago? Or was he peeking at his TV? Our New Vice President It was so exciting to watch history being made, in our cozy theatre seats. This is our Vice President. The first woman vice president! A woman of color. What a relief to see this day, finally unfolding. So Long Ago The Obamas arrived and I couldn't help but remember. I remember watching the inauguration with my mother, in 2009. My mother had Alzheimer's but she was giddy watching the celebration. "It will be so nice to see children in the White House again!" The Bidens Don and I wanted to cheer when we saw the Bidens. I hate being quiet in someone else's home. I wanted to cheer and whoop! We've waited so long. But, I have no clue about our neighbors. There's a pandemic, so we haven't met face to face. I didn't hear booing from above. It sad to think about how much this special day has been altered. No Inauguration Balls and no gigantic crowds. I'm glad the Biden's have experienced some of this before. They are clearly fine without the festive hoopla. There's way too much to focus on from here on out. But it's still sad. Masks We'll always remember this odd inauguration, with expressions hidden by masks. But there was no hiding this smile! Former Presidents It was nice seeing these 3 former presidents greeting each other. This stolen image shows no character, but on TV, their body language looked warm and upbeat and gracious. I wish President Carter could have made a Zoom appearance. Music I'm sure many had unkind things to say about Lady Gaga's clothes and J-Lo's shout out in Spanish. Some were probably confused to see Garth in his cowboy hat, celebrating with this liberal crowd. But I loved it all. Don and I didn't shout out, but for a moment I attempted to sing softly. Garth asked the crowd to sing along, for the last verse of Amazing Grace. This Land... We needed a box of Kleenex when J-Lo sang, "This Land is Your Land". (Don shared his napkin) This is the song I sang in grade school, but I never listened to the words. I wondered for a moment if Jennifer Lopez would add the version I discovered a few years ago. (Woody Guthrie had some words against D. Trump's dad, in the 1950's) But she moved gracefully into "America", instead. Show Stealer Young poet laureate, Amanda Gorman stole the show with her poetry. Such power in her gentle voice. She spoke like a prayer or a song. I read the words later and was even more moved. What I'll Remember The day continued, but we had to break away by noon. We're in OR to help our pregnant daughter and son-in-law with their move. But I'll always remember this funny dark room and our blankets and coffee. I'll remember the huge feeling of relief after Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were finally, finally sworn in!
Tomorrow Today is Tuesday, the day before the Inauguration. I so hope all goes well. All Wednesdays of 2021, have been full of tension...at the Capitol and everywhere. Insurrection Wednesday The first Wednesday of 2021 will never be forgotten. On Jan. 6, Don and I followed the horrifying news, with texts from family and friends. We were on the first day of our road trip, from TX to OR. We saw these images later, on the hotel TV. Last Wednesday A week ago, the House gathered in the same space that was invaded a week before. Representatives who feared for their lives in this very room, gathered again. Trump was impeached for the second time. January 20, 2021 Tomorrow, the Inauguration will happen, under tight security at the Capitol. 25,000 National Guard Troops will be on duty. Every State Capitol has been prepared for protests or violence. Transfer of Power Very early tomorrow, the Trumps will leave the White House and head to Mar-A-Lago. They will not welcome the Bidens to the White House. The last president who refused to attend his successors' inauguration, was Johnson in 1869. If Trump had conceded and shown support, we could all feel less worried. We don't need Trump's angry supporters causing more problems tomorrow. This memory is a refreshing reminder! The Bush daughters welcomed the Obama daughters in 2009! This is an example of how "kids" can help with a smooth transfer of power. Tonight But all seems calm tonight. So far. 200k flags cover the National Mall, representing people who cannot attend the Inauguration. Remembering Tonight there are 400 lights illuminating the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Each light honors 1,000 Americans, who have died of Covid-19. Tomorrow morning there will be a memorial service before Inauguration.
I think tomorrow will be a good Wednesday. MLK Day 2021 We need to remember Dr. King today, more than any other year. But, there's so much happening in the news, the day isn't getting the needed spotlight. Today, I posted this memory, on Facebook. I remember the fun of watching this happy family reunion in 2016. We visited D.C. that summer and oh how clueless I was about what was ahead in the next 4.5 years. Social Media Posts I can't go out and volunteer today, for obvious reasons. I miss volunteering with my senior groups and the kids at the shelter. Especially on MLK Day. I love sharing MLK Day with others, So I shared on Instagram. I shared this collage of photos, from visits to Mobile and Montgomery and St. Augustine, Florida... peaceful feet. Then I read FB posts. So many shared Dr. King quotes. I was pleased. Then I was bothered, as I over analyzed the quotes and the people who posted. It's too easy to share quotes. I wish we could all get out there and do some kind of service... one special thing. President-elect Then I read that Biden was out volunteering, today. It's 2 days before the Inauguration! If President-elect Biden found time, I should have done something! What's my excuse? Even Trump had an excuse. He was too busy, preparing pardons. He only has 2 days left in office.
Portland Today Don and I drove to the Airbnb where Heidi and Jamie have been living with their cat. Most of there stuff is in storage, but there was still tons to move to the new house. Josie watched us from the window, while we carried loads up and down the stairs. Street parking and lively sidewalks made things tricky. The upper floor apartment was also vacating on the same day, which meant everyone needed to wear masks the whole time. Pandemic moving strategies. Nice to leave the city stress and head off to the suburbs! Masked Meeting It's quieter in Happy Valley, but masks are still needed. Yay for new houses and driveways! Jamie and Heidi talked outside with the builder rep. Masks Inside More masks were needed in the house, when the realtor stopped by. So sweet... flowers and cake and a baby gift. Heidi and Don lounged in their masks while the cable guy was doing his thing. Masked Aunts Aunt Jennifer and Aunt Kate came by the next day, to unload the baby shower gifts that have come to their home. (They offered their mailing address during this transition time) All these special moments... with masks. Too Cautious? I wish we could ease up with all this caution, but we are close to 400,000 deaths. My dad finally got his vaccine today in Missouri! I'm so glad! He said he feels fine and his voice sounded so happy.
Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022