Once a Month Posts! Now that I'm only posting once a month, I'll throw out more than 1 photo. These 2 collages show what made me happiest in January. Being Outdoors! It was so fun getting away and enjoying the world... without my wig! Just wearing hats and scarves was the first step. Halfway through the month I started facing the world with my funny, fuzzy head! Being With Don But the best thing of all, was spending a little time on the road with this guy! Even though we were able to get out of town a couple times in earlier months, this time we weren't hurrying back to start up a treatment. Lots of toasting in January 2017!
January 1 2017! We are bound for Big Bend National Park, today. Meandering through west Texas... taking our time. I doubt there will be snow like we saw in Janurary 4 years ago, but I know there will be surprises along the way. That's what I adore about road trips! This trip is the best way to start the New Year... to return to normal! On this, 220th day since I first learned of my cancer diagnosis, I will end my daily posts. Maybe a monthy post? I don't know. It's been fun remembering and recalling and staying postive with photos from the past.
Happy List