Surprise 1 The month started with a May Day surprise on the porch! Actually not really a surprise. For quite a few years, we've had these "surprise" deliveries from a sweet family that lives nearby. Always a good start to the month! Surprise 2 My second surprise was a visit from my daughter and granddaughter, a week before Mother's Day. This was going to be a total surprise, but Heidi realized I might better enjoy the weekend visit, if I knew a day or 2 before. Anticipation is part of the fun! Hanging Out We had a few fun days hanging out at the house and going to brunch and lunch! We pulled in a little Cinco de Mayo celebrating as well! I didn't take our get-together for granted. I've celebrated 38 Mother's Days and half of them have been long distance. I've learned to adapt to kids living far away, just as my mom did with me... and her mom did with her. Indulged Mom On the real Mom Day a week later, I enjoyed some more. Surprise flowers and surprise gift certificates from the kids! Scott and Cha called from California and we gabbed forever. They explained my "Float Spa" gift. A couple weeks later, I spent an hour in a floatation pod with 1,000 pounds of epsom salts! The air and water was equally warm and music and colors made me feel like I was in dream! A good and relaxing dream, of drifting in space! Mother's Day Picnic The rainy weather on Mother's Day was almost comical. Don and I did some of our own celebrating, with some of my favorite fast food. I posed at the park with a gator, remembering Mother's Day a year ago when we had a live alligator swimming the lake behind our house! The Gulf Coast In mid May, Don and I drove just over an hour to Galveston Island. We spent a couple nights enjoying the coastal resort city, before tourist season. We stayed at Hotel Lucine, a newly remodeled 1963 motel. We had the hotel pretty much to ourselves. It was nice to see the beach as well as the historic city, before the crowds and heat moved in. A few photos below show our hotel and restaurants and the Bolivar Ferry. After 2 nights in Galveston, we hit the road again. East Texas We drove the straight & flat roads near the coast, then ended up on hilly, tree-lined highways further north. What a contrast, driving in east Texas. We explored the original route of El Camino Real and walked on trails made by wagons and animals, hundreds of years ago. Fredonia in Nacogdoches We stayed at another mid-century modern hotel. Despite some major storms, we had a couple of fun days relaxing at the hotel, in the Oldest City in Texas. Exploring We explored the historic city as well as some towns, just down the road. After a total of 4 nights away, we returned home feeling like we'd been gone a month! Relaxing in Fort Worth I squeezed in one more Texas trip, later in May. This one was to Fort Worth to spend some time with old friends.The 4 of us hardly needed to leave Christy's home. It was an oasis. 2 Nights We needed more than 2 nights to catch up. I miss our monthly book club gatherings, back when we all lived in the same neighborhood. We often used to talk until 2 am. We made it to 1 am, the first night. We got out a bit for a meal or 2. But my favorite time was hanging out on the patio. Even the drive home with Shari was entertaining, with a "dining adventure" lunch stop, at Kissing Pigs Cafe! Friends at Home At the end of the month, Don and I were able to spend an evening with special friends back home. This was a month for feeling grateful for family and friends. Some near and some far. After a little running around in May, it was nice to be reminded that there are good friends right back here at home. Rain and Haze The month ended with some rainy days, followed by hazy ones. On the last day of May, the rain and haze cleared. I had another simple surprise, when I noticed the neighborhood kids had finished their last day of school and left a message on the sidewalk!
I love how this month started with a May Day surprise and ended with a surprise message on the sidewalk. Such fun reminders of my own simple childhood!
Happy List