First Day of 2025 This might be the Happy Blog, but the year didn't start happy. First news of the year was about the tragic happening in New Orleans. After absorbing the news, I found my favorite Nola ornaments and let my focus shift. Good memories of that magical city. Changing Focus A little later on New Year's Day morning, I let the Rose Bowl Parade lift the mood. Especially since I had my new mug, filled with hot chocolate! Football is not my thing, so I went upstairs and finished a kiddie puzzle (started by my granddaughter) and watched the Twilight Zone Marathon! Just right. Nature Later I put out the bird feeders, that my daughter-in-law gave me for Christmas. The cardinals and our silly squirrel made things entertaining. Packing Up Christmas Days later I started in on the annual Post Xmas chores. I love and hate putting the decorations away. It took many many days, but I actually enjoyed it this year. I took my time and listened to podcasts. Some curious. Some amusing. Some boring... I didn't linger on those. Cold The cold weather arrived on the 7th, along with some worrisome news from a friend. I headed off on a midday run to clear my head. When I spotted some neighbor boys with a cocoa stand, I was delighted. Delighted to buy a cup after my run. Mostly I was delighted to see these young enthusiastic boys in the cold, waving down customers. Cheers for kids playing outside in 2025! Good-bye Jimmy I planned on less TV this year, but we watched President Carter's service and a few specials about Jimmy Carter's life. What an inspiration he was to us all. One morning I ran past my son's old school and saw the flag at half mast. I reminded myself of a vow I'd made on Carter's 100th birthday. Sign up for Habitat for Humanity! Volunteering I've only made one step towards connecting with the Habitat organization. Eventually I'll swing a hammer. But at least I did a tiny bit of volunteering this month. I had a crazy time entertaining these energetic 3 year olds! I guess when your granddaughter's in the class, it doesn't really count as volunteering. But it got me started! Austin Fam I had just a brief visit to Austin. Enough time to enjoy this sweet family and to do a little babysitting. We played and puzzled and laughed... ... and made music and whistled! Charlie can whistle now! Sacramento In mid January, Don and I headed for California. Luckily Scott and Chali live in the Hollywood Park neighborhood, far from the real Hollywood. California spent most of January, dealing with huge fires near L.A. Post Xmas We planned a Sacramento visit for January, after learning Scott & Cha wouldn't be able to travel for Christmas. It was absolutely wonderful to spend time with these 2 at this special time in their lives. Halfway through this pregnancy journey! Dining Adventures We had a couple of good dining adventures in Sac. Zelda's had an incredibly fun and retro vibe. The service was ridiculously slow and we didn't even care. What a funny old place Our dinner at Paragary's in Midtown, felt like a piece of heaven. The atmosphere matched the food! Perfect! Grass Valley, CA On Saturday we drove to the sweet town of Grass Valley. Lunch in the wonderful Hollbrooke Hotel... ...where Mark Twain once stayed. Then a pleasant walk at Empire Mine State Historic Park, before driving back. "March for the Dream" on MLK Day January 20 was inauguration day, but we were determined to put our focus on Dr. King. Sadly we could only attend the beginning of Sacramento's 43rd annual "March for the Dream". We had to cut our trip short a day, when we learned about airport closures. Good Bye Cha and Scott Snowstorms were predicted in Houston the day we were supposed to fly home. We were able to get flights out a day early, after learning of plans to close Houston airports. Hard to say good-bye to these THREE! Snow at Home We got home at 10 pm on Mon and snow came during the night. (click on images) Since we weren't traveling and there were no power or pipe issues, we enjoyed the day. The TV news was all about Houston, mostly having fun with the snow! We rode no plastic bags down hills. We stayed comfy at home and enjoyed the scenery! The birds had fun. I did step outside to at least wander the yard... and make a snow drink. Maybe. Sorting! I spent the last 10 days of January, sorting through boxes. I was inspired after my sister spoke with the director of Knowledge & Legacy, at Lincoln Center in NYC. They were very much interested in the materials that our family owns from 1963-64, when our Dad worked with Lincoln Center. I started hunting through boxes... and went off on crazy tangents. Shipping the Stuff Jennifer and I both eventually mailed boxes to Lincoln Center. Our parents' names will be recognized for their gift. It turns out that Lincoln Center has nothing from that special time period, when the very top directors, musicians, actors and playwrights came together to create a Repertory Theatre, in the already established LC Performing Arts Center. I sent off my box, filled with reel-to-reel tapes and interview transcripts. My parents' voices were on those tapes, interviewing Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller... Jason Robards. Some things I didn't send, like folders filled with other articles my mom wrote that year, in our 1 bedroom apartment, with 4 kids. I remember hearing Mom's typewriter late at night. Memories I can't even guess how many hours I spent on the floor looking through boxes. Boxes of Lincoln Center materials led me to other boxes of family treasures. I need to list all the discoveries I made as I looked through letters and articles and drawings and photos. Good discoveries for the most part. I felt like I was getting to know my parents and our family in a way I didn't before. Yes, I did get rid of stuff. My old report cards were pitched. They don't bring me joy. But many things are staying put in this house. I feel lucky to have these treasures. Bye Bambi On the last day of the month we headed to our storage unit and said good-bye to our old Air Stream. Pretty sad saying farewell to this the little trailer. But it was in good hands. Our new "friend" Oscar, was driving it to California for us. And the extra fun news is that the old trailer will soon be living with Scott and Chali, in Sacramento! Cheers to new adventures for "Bambi"!
Red & Green, in Gruene, TX We started getting in the holiday spirit in early December, with a visit to the Texas town with the funny name. The town is named for a German man, whose last name sounds like the color green! Guene Mansion Inn We spent one night in the mansion where HD Gruene's family once lived. In our cozy upstairs room, we put on our festive shirts, (ukuleles & flowers) then tossed on red & green leis and cowboy boots. We made a quick toast and headed next door. Gruene Hall We were just steps from the oldest dance hall in Texas. We've visited many times, but never for a concert with such a fun theme. Tiki & Christmas! The laid back, sweet harmonies of Jamestown Revival couldn't have been better! Jamestown Revival Childhood buds Jon and Josh have been creating music since high school. Before the show, we happened to meet Jon's parents at our inn. We talked a bit and learned that the duo had recently been nominated for 2 Tony awards and a Grammy! A fun chat with proud parents! Festive and Welcoming Vibe Below are photos from our less than 24 hour visit to the sweet community of Gruene. The town and the dance hall felt festive and welcoming. The Christmas Tiki Show was a hoot. The talented performers were relaxed and personable. The mostly younger, upbeat crowd sang along with old favorites, as if we were gathered around someone's piano at home. In fact a couple audience members (probably friends) ended up on stage performing. It was a fun evening! Pink at The Cabin The next morning we drove to our cabin to meet up for a night, with Heidi and Charlie. The weather was chilly for a change! Don made a cozy fire and we girls wore pink gingerbread jammies. We had a fun time enjoying the wintery weather. (In the 80s 2 days later) After enjoying some outside time, it felt extra cozy inside. A fire and Christmas music. Yay for no TV at the cabin! Artwork and rocking chairs and old toys that Don once played with. Charlie probably enjoyed the bucket of rocks, as much as anything! We left the cabin for a lunch outing inside a cozy house... with a creepy history. Years ago, the house was used in the movie, Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Not a very Christmassy thought. Pre-Christmas Tasks I was slow getting organized for Christmas this year. Shopping, wrapping & shipping came first. My progress seemed to be, "2 steps forward and 1 backward" for some reason. Decorating was gradual. I started by adding a scarf and candy cane to the old Sicilian Knight! Wish all holiday decorating was this easy! Movies and Music Yay for great distractions of Christmas music and movies. I put on movies while I wrapped and we sat down at night and watched the best of the best. Which meant no Hallmark movies. Sorry. When my brain jammed over gift issues, I just went to the piano. Oh how I wish I could play like Schroeder! I miss the days of seeing Nutcracker or Christmas Carol on stage. It's been years. But this year we were invited to see an original production at The George. A funny and festive escape! Together For Christmas? Part of my brain fog was due to changed plans. We'd expected to have our family (of 7.5) together in TX, for Christmas. But in early December we scrambled to come up with a new plan. (Doctor said no flying to TX, for our sweet Mama-to-be) After days of trying to plan a way to unite our whole group out west, we gave up. Too costly and complicated. Instead we reminded ourselves about how we celebrated "together" during the pandemic. We used some old strategies to help us feel connected. Cajun Night Before Christmas One night we snuggled on couches in California and Texas, while Scott read to us with his Cajun twang! A tradition for a number of years. Poor Charlie wasn't feeling well at first, but began to laugh at images of gators pulling the sleigh. Uncle Scott began to laugh when he noticed Charlie politely covering her coughing mouth, with her bare foot. Tiki Bingo Night Another night we put on flowered shirts and leis and set up the tripod. There were tiki glasses with tropical cocktails and mocktails in both homes. The TX gang used Froot Loops for markers. The CA "kids" used candy kisses. The game was pretty dumb, but that wasn't the point. The prizes were pretty lame. (5-dollar Amazon goodies to be delivered) But that wasn't the point. It just felt good to laugh together. Our 2 homes felt like 1, for a little while. Sugar Land & Houston This little Christmas Elf arrived with a cough, that worsened. There were some rough spells and a fretful visit to Urgent Care. But we managed some outings before Char felt too bad. Sugar Land Town Center... Dinner at Rainbow Lodge and a picnic! Home Time We kept things pretty simple, just hanging out at home. The hot tub became a kiddie pool during the day. It became a hot tub at night. Yay for finally getting this thing fixed. Hanging Out We had a few days before Santa arrived. So lots of hang out time. We hardly needed Santa. Charlie found lots to do with old stuff. Food & Drink Lots of kitchen time! At least one toast per day! Don and Heidi did some creative work with drink fixings. Heidi did tons of baking. We all did a lot of eating! Christmas Eve and Morning For days, our poor sick girl was up and down with mood and energy. But she managed to hang her stocking and get to sleep at a reasonable time. We woke to a cloudy morning! Perfect, to help us pretend it was cold outside. Santa came despite no snow! As always, there were probably too many gifts. But so many fun reactions and happy faces. And lots of laughs over stocking surprises, that we all give each other. Last Day After a sad and sleepy Friday afternoon, we ended up at an Urgent Care Clinic. Suddenly all was good! Antibiotics for an ear infection. We had a happy girl again. The next morning Charlie sang "Up on The Housetop" before they packed up the car. The house became so quiet. Last Days of December The day after our little gang left for home, we learned the sad news of President Carter's passing. The smiling peanut ornament (bought in Plains, GA years ago) tried to keep us from feeling too sad. The best remedy for the sad news and a sadly quiet house, was reading one of the sweetest books ever. Weather was lovely and I took Jimmy Carter's book outside to read. On New Year's Eve, Don made drinks and we headed outside at sunset. We soaked in the warm water and made no resolutions. But we did talk about the things that we're most excited about, for 2025. A bigger family! This time next year there will be 8 of us, instead of 7.5!
Cheers to Cousins! Blue Day Don and I wore blue on November 5. We were hopeful when we set up our coffee table to watch the election results. We went to bed early. Still hopeful, but unable to watch more. Wednesday Morning I woke in the night but refused to look at the phone or TV. At 6 am we looked at the news. This is my HAPPY BLOG, so I can't share my thoughts. I usually run when I'm stressed. But on Wednesday morning, Don and I were out the door walking together, before daylight. A longer walk than usual. A quieter walk than usual. I spotted this yard sign. Nature The week after the election, I searched for good distractions. I found giant acorns on another walk. I created a fun picture and texted the photo to my granddaughter. Lingering Outside Don and I craved being out of the house. We spent every evening on the patio, long before sunset We lingered long after the moon came up. Outside. Away from TV. Friends and Wildlife After a few days, I communicated with friends through texts. I met my friend Shari and we walked... and talked. We paused to let some funny birds and a turtle delight us. Exercise Don ordered Pickleball paddles online. We tried out our brand new neighborhood courts and wore ourselves out. Morning Surprises On Veteran's Day, I ran early in the fog. I spotted flags and early Christmas decor, in the neighborhood. November 11 is early for decorations. Maybe we all need to focus on decorating? I spotted a heron standing so still, he didn't fly away when I got close. Shopping Some shop when they need a lift. Don and I went antiquing. The hideous doll faces made us laugh. The wonderful skinny chair was not needed, but we bought it! Music My sister texted one night from Oregon. She and Kate were lifting their spirits with an old Shirley Temple movie. Don and I turned it on and watched along with them, in Texas. I played a lot of piano. Even with my lack of skills, there was something so soothing and therapeutic, when I played those keys. Family As November progressed there was more communication with family. Pictures of Charlie's artwork made me happy. A texted photo of Charlie and her Mommy made me grin! But the best news of all was knowing that Scott and Chali were finally able to share their good news. These 2 have been through so much, to get to this place! A sweet Baby Girl is expected in May! Austin Time In late November Don and I drove to Austin for a couple of nights. We babysat one night, but we also spent some time with some other kids! Volunteering I used to spend a lot of time volunteering in pre-covid years. I've missed working with kids. What a treat to take my old "Magic Quilt" and "Pickles" the giraffe, to Charlie's school. And what fun to have Don come along and help little. What a sweet bunch! And Charlie shared her grandparents, surprisingly well. Thanksgiving in San Antonio Don and I had no plans for Thanksgiving, so we made a last minute trip to San Antonio. We spent 2 nights at La Mansion, on the Riverwalk. Weather was balmy and we walked everywhere! The 165-Year-Old Menger Hotel On Wednesday, we had lunch at The Menger, right next to the Alamo. Known for being haunted! No ghosts, but we enjoyed mango ice cream. A Menger tradition since it first opened. Drinks at The St. Anthony Hotel We had fun exploring another amazing hotel! The Haunt Lounge was fun, but no ghosts there either. We had some fun posing in the lobby. Dinner at The Esquire Tavern We had dinner at a tavern that's been on the Riverwalk since 1933. The longest wooden bar top in Texas! Food wasn't our favorite, but we enjoyed friendly people. One sweet woman on the balcony insisted on taking our photo. La Mansion del Rio Our 2 night stay at La Mansion, was perfect. The historic property was right on the Riverwalk. The room and common areas were all comfortable! I love a good staircase! La Mansion had a fun one! El Colegio The hotel's bar/coffee shop was extra decorated. El Colegio (or Blitzen's during the holidays) was once the Dean's Office, when this building was St. Mary's Law School. (1940s?) On Thanksgiving evening, we dined in the hotel's Four Brother's Restaurant. So simple and just right, Last Day of November The last day of the month, Don and I both had colds, but we were back home. It was a cold-cozy day. The first day to use the furnace. For the first time in over a decade, we soaked in the blue bubbles of our newly repaired spa.
Good end to this odd, blue month! Celebrating in Austin The month began with celebrations for these 2! Don and I headed to Austin to enjoy a weekend of eating, drinking and playing. Don's landmark birthday meant he did some extra candle blowing. Charlie was happy to help. What a perfect way to start the month! To California A few days later, Don and I flew west and continued celebrating with Scott and Chali in Lake Tahoe. Weather was perfect and we got in some good walks and hikes. Good Meals & Good Views We ate well during our 5 day visit! The most memorable meal was a special dinner planned by Scott and Cha. Lone Eagle Grille, overlooking Lake Tahoe! Relaxing & Playing While hanging out at the hotel, we got in some ping pong and puzzling. There was also fishing and shopping... an old car show and posing with a giant flip flop! Back in Sac After Tahoe, we joined Chali's parents in Sacramento. It's been 7 years since we 5 have been together! Thai Feast and Sound Bath During our 3 day stay, we enjoyed a little museum time and I even caught a Hitchcock movie at Tower Theatre. But the real highlights had to do with sound and taste... One night Chali invited the parents to a Sound Bath experience! What a magical night thanks to Chali's guidance, inside the glorious geodome. The last night we feasted on Linda's amazing Thai dishes! A perfect end to a wonderful visit. Wine, Coast & Redwoods! We headed for the wine country after Sacramento. We had gorgeous weather during our visit with our old neighbors, Lorrie and John. We hiked through through the Redwoods and along the coast, at Bodega Bay They took us to some wonderful spots, where we sampled good wine and enjoyed fish tacos and oysters. 45th Anniversary in Hollywood Don and I headed south and spent a couple nights in Hollywood, celebrating our 45th anniversary. One night at the Roosevelt, right on Hollywood Boulevard. The next night at the kitschy Magic Castle Hotel, next-door to the iconic Magic Castle. Both hotels were a blast. At the Roosevelt, I swam in the pool where Marilyn Monroe once posed for a publicity photo. At Magic Castle, I sat near the pool and called the Popsicle Hotline! Hollywood in 2 Days We definitely couldn't do it all, in 2 days. But we could sort of see it all, from Yamoshiro Restaurant, high above Hollywood. Our hotels were entertaining enough. But we had to get out and enjoy some nearby fun. Besides wandering the famous sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard, we ventured a little further. Our evening at the Magic Castle was extra entertaining, with guests arriving in costume. During a lunch at Chateau Marmont Hotel, we spotted a couple of celebrities. Posing in Joshua Tree From Hollywood we drove east and explored Joshua Tree National Park. (Don's shirt matched the tree!) Not far from the park, we spent a night at Hicksville Trailer Palace. An quirky place! We slept in a quaint (but weary) vardo gypsy wagon, once a movie prop. We met some interesting people in the Joshua Tree area. After a night in the desert, we headed southwest. Laguna Beach It's been over 40 years since we lived in Laguna Beach. It hasn't changed much. Thank goodness. We had fun visiting some of our old favorite places. Absolutely loved staying at what was once the old Laguna Rivera... which HAS changed. In a good way! Last Stop Oceanside! Friend's Cliff and Rhona welcomed us a little further down the coast! From their home we could walk to the beach and restaurants and even to the annual Los Dias de la Muertos Festival. We left the neighborhood to hike in Carlsbad and to dine in San Diego's new, LEILA restaurant. Delicious Middle Eastern dishes served in a magical setting, beneath a ceiling of glowing stars! Home We flew home on the 30th. I didn't find time to carve the pumpkins on the last day of the month, but we made sure to get to the polls before early voting ended. We didn't get to see this sweet girl on Halloween, but we got her costume photos. And we actually had a few trick-or-treaters at our door!
It felt good to end October, voting for the next president. I'm trying to stay positive about how this next month begins! I want a good future for this little girl, as well as our other future grand kiddos. Upper Lake, California We began the month with a Labor Day trip to Upper Lake. The water was pretty, but we pretty much just drove by it. I snapped the photo from the car. Mini Road Trip We were on a mini weekend trip with these 2! We were excited to share a little time with Chali and Scott, at the old Tallman Hotel. Weather was lovely and we had the inn's pool to ourselves. Some of us took a dip, but mostly we just chatted and took in the surroundings. A stork weathervane here, a hummingbird there... The peaceful afternoon turned into a lively evening. Tallman's annual Blues Festival! We dined in the saloon, near a window looking out on the courtyard. After dinner, we enjoyed the music from our balcony, looking down towards the courtyard and the big red barn. All was peaceful again in the morning. Breakfast in the old hotel and back on the road to Sacramento! Headed for Montana After Sacramento we had 2 days of driving. We needed food along the way. Lucky for us we found some good dining options in Ashton and Winnemucca. Bozeman Skies were perfect by the time we reached Bozeman! Alan and Christy gave us a warm welcome! We enjoyed good food and talk and just relaxing together. But our old neighbor-friends got us out enjoying the cool air and spectacular Montana scenery! Just Outside Bozeman Just a short drive from our friends' home, we found lots of great hiking. We also had some fun in downtown Bozeman... Before heading off to the airport, Alan and Christy drove us to a park not far from their house. Ahhh! To have this scenery near home! The Fairy Village is an annual treat! Our friends know that I adore miniatures! It was also fun watching young kids discover the fairy displays! Home Again! It was hot back in Texas, but nice to be home for the rest of September. Charlie and her mom came for a weekend! Heidi had to get back to work on Monday. We asked for Charlie to stay a couple more days. We spent about 50% of the time in the pool. Charlie found time to write a postcard to her Aunt Cha and Uncle Scott. Seeing the mailwoman at the box, made Charlie curious about the Post Office. On the way driving Charlie home to Austin, we made a stop! It was hard taking this girl back home! Local Friends Our travels often distract us from our friends at home. It felt good to get together with some very special people as we started the fall season! Wildlife Weather stayed summer-like throughout the month. But Don and I continued to sit outside every evening. We had some fun surprises, watching critters... I didn't get a photo of the squirrel that jumped in our pool. But I did capture the turtles and birds, sharing the little "island". What a hoot!
Playtime in Austin No pics of the first 2 weeks of August. No snaps of garage cleaning or neglected dental, hair and doc appointments. After 2 weeks, it was time to reward ourselves and take some photos. We headed to Austin. Sometimes Pop Pop and Grammaloon (yes, she calls me that) need to play. Some of us were very fashionable while we played. Don and I baby-sat on Saturday night, so Mommy and Daddy could go out. We played hard with balls and water and costume props and candy! We squeezed in an outing or 2. Then on Sunday evening, Heidi cooked an amazing feast. (click to enlarge) Charlie always offers up lots of singing performances, in the car, or with her toy microphone, or piano... But on this particular visit, this barely 3 1/2 year old surprised me with her art! She was busy those crayons. I love it! Idaho Later in the month, Don and I flew to Idaho for a total change in scenery. We stayed with my bro and SIL at their home in Boise. Chris and Karen always show us the best parts of their city. At the House But my favorite Boise times were spent hanging out at the house. On the Road After 2 nights in Boise, we hit the road to enjoy 2 memorable lodges! Sun Valley Inn was heavenly, with mountain views! Redfish Lodge was rustic and comfy, with a gorgeous lake view. Favorite Views These are some of my favorite images from both places. We lucked out with nearby fires. The smoke didn't invade until the day we left. Fun Stuff We 4 are getting older, but it felt like we were kids again. We squeezed in lots of fun and goofy activities. The pontoon boat on Redfish Lake was one of the most memorable. Below are more happy moments in Idaho. In some pics, I'm wearing my brother's Austrian hat. He decided I MUST wear it on the trip... and keep it. I packed my mom's old Sonja Henie doll for the trip. We had some fun photo moments with her in Sun Valley. (S. Henie starred in Sun Valley Serenade in 1941) I nudged Karen and Chris to "adopt" Sonja into their home. A hat and doll swap, basically! Food & Drink There are always food adventures when we spend time with Chris and Karen. The photos below show some of our highlights in Idaho... a few road stop finds, on the way to California. Off to Scott & Cha's From Boise we drove our rental car to Sacramento. We spent one night in Winnemucca, NV. Didn't stay at Scott Shady Court this time, but I was excited to spot it. I vow to spend a night, in the future! California Kids We arrived at Scott and Chali's on August 30. There's always something to celebrate with these kids! And always nice to have a little time with Sweet Lola! Saturday in Midtown On the last day of the month, we enjoyed both lunch and dinner in the lively midtown area of Sac. Saigon Alley offered amazing Vietnamese dishes in a bright, modern setting. In the evening we ate BBQ at a brewery, then walked a few blocks to a Speakeasy called Roost. To reach Roost, we entered a lively restaurant called Bawk's. Ali's face greeted us and I insisted on a quick photo. Chali spoke with the gentleman at the desk and suddenly we found ourselves in a supply closet. Chali knocked on one door and a wall opened up. We were invited to create our own cocktail recipes, using the ingredients on a round coaster. But the elaborate drink menu gave plenty of options, including tasty mocktails. The cozy-classy atmosphere was pleasant for chatting about plans. The next day, we 4 would head off on a mini road trip.
What a perfect way to end the month.. with family... knowing that we'd start September, with more family adventures! Calm Before the Storm July was an up and down month. It began with troubling news from different friends. Loss, health issues... trauma. This was all before Hurricane Beryl arrived. The last half of the month was spent driving up and down, through the mountains of Colorado. As always, this post will focus on the uplifting moments. July 4th A surprise visit on July 4th, was just what the doctor ordered. Our son's friend was in town and brought his sweet daughter over for a visit. By evening it was just us 2. We enjoyed the patio with colorful champagne and peanuts. 3 glasses needed so we could have the proper colors! Don grilled burgers while firework displays entertained in 2 directions! Hurricane Beryl Days later Beryl arrived on July 8. We lost power before 6 am and the house felt eerily quiet, with no a.c. or fan noise. But outside the sounds were fierce! We've never experience such dramatic wind, in 25+ years in Texas. Daylight allowed us to gather important things. Phone battery charger was helpful, but hardly any cell service. Luckily no real damage, Just 13 bags of sticks and a few more bundles of limbs. Best Stuff Don found the coffee percolator in the camp equipment! I was thrilled to get NPR on our tiny jar-radio! We got local storm updates. Entertainment The first day I sorted through old photo boxes, before the house became stifling. We were lucky to have the pool. We spent much of our time outside. I watched a bird building a nest and studied odd bugs. Escape to Austin By the 4th day of no power, we had both fridges and freezers emptied into the trash and we took off for Austin. The power came back on by the time we got there, but we didn't turn around. We stayed and played for 2 days. This little Polish Girl entertained us with a little polka dancing! She was as refreshing as the air-conditioning! We said good-bye feeling rejuvenated. Back home we packed up and headed west. We had one night at the Hill Country cabin and soaked up more Texas heat, once again. On the Road to Colorado We were off! 18 days with cooler weather and mountains! Such beautiful scenery in Colorado and New Mexico, but that's not what lured us! Together after 45 Years! Meeting up with my old college buddies, was what actually prompted the road trip. We 3 met up along with our hubbies, in Denver. We spent a night and morning, laughing and catching up, eating and drinking at Hotel Teatro in Denver. It was the first time Marla and Martha and I had been together since 1979! Gotta thank these 2 and all the husbands for making this happen! Mini Meet-Up! We were also able to meet up with our sweet nephew and his girlfriend, while staying in Denver! Two fun reunions in the Mile High City! Home Away From Homes During our trip, we stayed in 11 different towns/cities. As usual, we looked for curious accommodations. The Orman Mansion in Pueblo was a memorable overnight! Hotel Teatro in Denver and The Maxwell Anderson (once Hotel Denver) in Glenwood Springs, were both lovely. The Black Monarch (Victor, CO) and Teller House (Silverton, CO) were similar, host-free hotels in old mining towns. The first was very creepy. Hotel St. Francis in Santa Fe felt like a church. Castaneda in Las Vegas, NM felt like an old Harvey House near the train tracks... because it once was! Inn at the Art Center (San Angelo, TX) was the most unique. Once a chicken farm, now a cluster of art studios, a restaurant and handful of guest rooms. Food and Drink As always, we ate well during our travels. Our only fast-food stop involved alien donuts and burgers in Roswell, NM! People in New Mexico and Colorado We met some interesting folks. And we observed some curious characters. I absolutely loved watching the locals dance in Santa Fe's historic plaza! Exploring Our driving days were mostly short. So we had time to explore. We actually squeezed in a little more relaxing time, than we often do. Ending July I didn't accomplish much of importance in July. I didn't write my memoir. I didn't even finish reading a book. But I made a few more memories. I'm eager to catch up with a few people back home, during August.
13 Charlie Days Don and I spent almost half of June's days, with this Funny Face. Charlie's mom and dad had 2 trips and we did lots of babysitting. Older Faces The end of the month was spent with these family faces. It's been 5 years since my sibs and spouses gathered for a Michigan reunion. On the Road The month began with Charlietime. We picked her up in Austin and brought her to our house, for 2 different visits. 4 drives with a 3-year-old and 4 without. The Charlie drives were much more entertaining. Lots of singing and endless gleeful announcements, when Charlie spotted water towers, flags and cows! Hanging Out Charlie kept us busy, mostly hanging out close to home. Cooking, swimming, piano and just a tiny bit of TV. Movie clips from classic musicals! The Grandparents were successful in creating a new Gene Kelly and Esther Williams fan! Michigan Don and I left the Texas heat in mid June and flew to Detroit. We stayed in an inn, that was once Frederick Sterns' mansion. We dined at Mario's, an iconic Italian restaurant that I last enjoyed when I was 16. St. Clair and Port Huron We spent a night in a nearly 100-year-old hotel, on the St. Clair River. The Inn's river views were entertaining! Then, we drove further north, to enjoy a peek at Lake Huron. And another epic dining experience, at an 88-year-old restaurant! Ann Arbor From Detroit, we headed to Ann Arbor and stayed a night at the Stone Cottage Inn. Next night at The Graduate. It was called "Campus Inn" when I attended my HS prom there, in 1975! Don and I have fond memories of this wonderful college town, since we both lived in Ann Arbor, 50 years ago... a few years before we met in St. Louis. Places Don went to U of M for 2 years. I lived in Ann Arbor the same 2 years, finishing high school. Our memories are different, but we love going back and exploring. So many wonderful places we both remember. People The best part of the visit, was spending time with some special people. I've known Lorie for a half century. It was fun to talk and laugh in person again. We did a lot of that, back in Huron High days! My brother Chris and SIL Karen, spent 2 nights with us in Ann Arbor. Chris and I share some fun Ann Arbor memories. A lot of them revolve around restaurants! Food in Michigan We revisited Ann Arbor's Fleetwood Diner. The last visit for Don and me was in 1980, after we were married. Chris took the current photo. We've changed, but the diner has changed little. We made a few toasts and enjoyed a few meals, in Ann Arbor... ...before traveling on to the old German town of Frankenmuth. Northport Eventually we made our way to Northport, where we united with our other siblings and spouses. We spent time exploring small towns near Lake Michigan and absorbing the cool temps. Mostly the 8 of us hung out together, along with a few special dogs. Lots of good food and converstaion. I already miss this gang! We finished up the month of June, with a beautiful sunset. Good bye, Michigan! Good bye, June 2024!
Surprise 1 The month started with a May Day surprise on the porch! Actually not really a surprise. For quite a few years, we've had these "surprise" deliveries from a sweet family that lives nearby. Always a good start to the month! Surprise 2 My second surprise was a visit from my daughter and granddaughter, a week before Mother's Day. This was going to be a total surprise, but Heidi realized I might better enjoy the weekend visit, if I knew a day or 2 before. Anticipation is part of the fun! Hanging Out We had a few fun days hanging out at the house and going to brunch and lunch! We pulled in a little Cinco de Mayo celebrating as well! I didn't take our get-together for granted. I've celebrated 38 Mother's Days and half of them have been long distance. I've learned to adapt to kids living far away, just as my mom did with me... and her mom did with her. Indulged Mom On the real Mom Day a week later, I enjoyed some more. Surprise flowers and surprise gift certificates from the kids! Scott and Cha called from California and we gabbed forever. They explained my "Float Spa" gift. A couple weeks later, I spent an hour in a floatation pod with 1,000 pounds of epsom salts! The air and water was equally warm and music and colors made me feel like I was in dream! A good and relaxing dream, of drifting in space! Mother's Day Picnic The rainy weather on Mother's Day was almost comical. Don and I did some of our own celebrating, with some of my favorite fast food. I posed at the park with a gator, remembering Mother's Day a year ago when we had a live alligator swimming the lake behind our house! The Gulf Coast In mid May, Don and I drove just over an hour to Galveston Island. We spent a couple nights enjoying the coastal resort city, before tourist season. We stayed at Hotel Lucine, a newly remodeled 1963 motel. We had the hotel pretty much to ourselves. It was nice to see the beach as well as the historic city, before the crowds and heat moved in. A few photos below show our hotel and restaurants and the Bolivar Ferry. After 2 nights in Galveston, we hit the road again. East Texas We drove the straight & flat roads near the coast, then ended up on hilly, tree-lined highways further north. What a contrast, driving in east Texas. We explored the original route of El Camino Real and walked on trails made by wagons and animals, hundreds of years ago. Fredonia in Nacogdoches We stayed at another mid-century modern hotel. Despite some major storms, we had a couple of fun days relaxing at the hotel, in the Oldest City in Texas. Exploring We explored the historic city as well as some towns, just down the road. After a total of 4 nights away, we returned home feeling like we'd been gone a month! Relaxing in Fort Worth I squeezed in one more Texas trip, later in May. This one was to Fort Worth to spend some time with old friends.The 4 of us hardly needed to leave Christy's home. It was an oasis. 2 Nights We needed more than 2 nights to catch up. I miss our monthly book club gatherings, back when we all lived in the same neighborhood. We often used to talk until 2 am. We made it to 1 am, the first night. We got out a bit for a meal or 2. But my favorite time was hanging out on the patio. Even the drive home with Shari was entertaining, with a "dining adventure" lunch stop, at Kissing Pigs Cafe! Friends at Home At the end of the month, Don and I were able to spend an evening with special friends back home. This was a month for feeling grateful for family and friends. Some near and some far. After a little running around in May, it was nice to be reminded that there are good friends right back here at home. Rain and Haze The month ended with some rainy days, followed by hazy ones. On the last day of May, the rain and haze cleared. I had another simple surprise, when I noticed the neighborhood kids had finished their last day of school and left a message on the sidewalk!
I love how this month started with a May Day surprise and ended with a surprise message on the sidewalk. Such fun reminders of my own simple childhood! Best April I can't remember an April that I didn't love. All Aprils have my birthday, but I'm past that! This April was a totally different kind of special. "Eclipse Totality Texas" Early in the month we gathered with the kids at the cabin, to celebrate the total solar eclipse. The gathering was nearly perfect... except we were missing a very important family member. Chali was in California, but she wore her shirt and stayed connected through FaceTime. 8-21-17 and 4-8-24 We've been looking forward to this celebration, since the last total eclipse 7 years ago. The first pic shows Don, Scott and Lola the pup in 2017. We watched from a cemetery in Tennessee. The second shows our Texas eclipse! Back in 2017, Scott realized our cabin in Texas would be in the Path of Totality in 2024. We had the perfect place for eclipse viewing, high on the hill above our cabin, overlooking Lake LBJ. Pre-Eclipse Cabin Time There were predictions of Eclipse Chaos on Texas roads. We arrived 2 days early, with lots food and drink and entertainment. No TV at the cabin, but we did have music. The same Eclipse Playlist from 2017, with moon & sun songs! The temperatures were perfect for hanging out. I tried to ignore weather predictions that called for clouds on April 8! Remembering Dad We used some of our time together, to have a sweet and simple remembrance for my dad. This was the first time we'd been together since my dad's passing in December. Family celebrated with Dad on his 95th birthday, in September, but we never had real closure after his death. Raft, Notes & Flowers... Bubbles & Lemonade There was a stick raft involved and flowers and ashes. The ashes were actually from our written messages, which we burned. It felt just right. Charlie didn't understand our farewell exactly, but she knew the raft was for Great Grandpa. Dad would have enjoyed our light and playful celebration. April Flowers April wildflowers and butterflies were in rare form! We did some wildflower appreciating and we did a little wildflower posing. Eclipse Day April 8 We were equipped for the day, with our certified eclipse glasses. So were a few animal statues! (Pearl the Squirrels from 2 days earlier!) Our Totality Celebration pretty much lasted all day. Before noon, we packed up our goofy glasses and a cooler with special treats. Path of Totality IPA for the adults. Moon Pies and Sun Chips for all! On the hill above our cabin, we spent over an hour watching eclipse drama. There were only a few minutes when the moon totally blocked the sun, but the time before and after was filled with surprises as well. Birthday Time My birthday was on the 9th, but we started celebrating early. On the evening of the eclipse, I opened gifts and wore one of them! A Twice in a Lifetime eclipse t-shirt! We toasted with Spellbound Eclipse Chardonnay. Storms came that night, making us even more appreciative of good eclipse weather! On my real birthday, we had a cozy, stormy morning. Then a little lunch and antique shopping in small-town Blanco. Then hail and tornado warnings that evening. What a dramatic end to our fun gathering! Babysitting A few days after our celebrating, Don and I headed back to Austin, to do some babysitting. Charlie smiled big before saying bye to Daddy and Mommy. Don and I had Charlietime, while they attended an out of town wedding. We happily survived 3 busy days and 4 bedtimes, with this sweet kiddo. Charlie only cried once. That was when she accidentally dropped her bedtime Paci into the toilet. A traumatic (and sort of humorous) moment. End of Month Project I'll end the April post, with focus on a comical and cringe-worthy home project. Don assured me his Block and Tackle System would safely get these ancient 10-ton toys down from the attic. I had to put all trust in Don and his system, as I guided that toy fridge down those wobbly stairs! Then the stove/sink. Crazy that we saved these. Don and I made these toy appliances 30+ years ago. They need a little spiffing up and then we'll see...
Happy List