This Morning in Clackamas Today I woke on the 65th morning, of our Airbnb stay. I sat on the couch in the dark as I have on many mornings and I thought about these last 2 months... helping with Heidi and Jamie's move, waiting on their new baby in the midst of an ice storm... and watching Baby Charlotte grow for a month! Last Run I haven't run daily, In fact I've probably put on about 10 pounds during these months. I won't miss these hills or the drizzly, chilly runs. But I've enjoyed the changing scenery, as I've huffed and puffed. I'll kind of miss my phone call routine, too. I've stopped on most runs, to make a morning call to Dad in MO. Today, I told him we were leaving. Today was probably the prettiest day of our stay. This is what I saw on my run! So crazy to leave, as the trees (that were once covered in ice) are beginning to bloom. Before Hitting the Road I made a dash to Walgreens to get a prescription around 9. Just today, they opened for vaccine appointments. I saw Just one older couple. Where were the crowds? It was odd to know there were vaccines chilling, behind that counter. This is the closest I've been to an actual vaccine! It took all day to pack up our "suite". All the junk we brought with us originally... as well as all the things we've purchased online since... toaster, tv, coffee pot, puzzles... Living in this basement has felt more like pandemic lockdown living. It was nice to have a pretty day to make about 20 trips up those 34 stairs to the car! The Worst Part of Leaving Today it felt odd to be leaving the Clackamas/Happy Valley area. But last night was just sad. We had our last evening at Heidi and Jamie's. It was the day before St. Patrick's Day and I made sure we documented just one more holiday that this little Valentine Baby has experienced in 4.5 weeks. I got in some good holding, while Charlie was alert. Then she got sleepy when it was time to enjoy our sushi feast. Perfect. By the time we headed to the door, she snoozed through all our good-bye hugs. Don and I stepped out into the chilly night and squeezed hands... one of us just might have sniffled a bit. That first good-bye is hard. We don't actually know when we'll be seeing these 3 next. Thinking Ahead Those good-byes will only get harder, when Charlie is older and knows us. I remember feeling a lump in my throat as a kid, watching Daw wave goodbye. Our station wagon would pull out of her driveway, with all 6 of us waving out windows. I was always sad, but mostly because I knew Daw would be alone and missing us. Or was she happy to have her house to herself... that makes me laugh. Mostly I remember the joy of going to visit Daw. This is what I am looking forward to as a grandmother now. Greetings and reunions are the best! And even better in post pandemic times! I can't wait!
Buggy Time We took Charlotte on a walk today. It was our last day and our last outing with this little one... for a long time... She didn't see much, while she slept inside the buggy. Zoo Trip Charlie didn't see much when we went to the zoo the other day, either. When she's older, that "buggy" will become a stroller and she'll see all the animals. But that wasn't the point. She wasn't there to see the animals... she was less than 4 weeks old. It was just a wonderful way for Charlie to get some fresh air and for her family to enjoy some tiny bit of normal. Pandemic Zoo Well it wasn't really that normal. Usually the zoo on a pretty day, would be jammed. But there were restrictions, which is why we felt safe going. Tickets were limited. We got the latest reservation possible. We were the last in and we strolled slowly. It felt like we owned the zoo. I'll remember how peaceful and calm it felt to wander down the 1-way path, encountering close to no one. Maybe it's good Charlotte wasn't a 3-year-old, wondering why the carousel was closed and why she couldn't go in the petting zoo. What to See? There were also lots of animals that we couldn't see. Some were hibernating. Some were moved, because of renovation projects. But we saw wonderful totem poles and blue sky and gorgeous, towering pines! We adults took in the spring sunshine, when we stepped out of the shade. I loved watching Scott chatting with his sister and staring and his baby niece. I loved remembering when they were both kids and adored zoos trips. Towards the end of our visit, we saw a few big favorites (giraffes and elephants) and encountered a few other zoo guests, who had slowed down to enjoy. They looked like nice families, all in masks and enjoying the day, just like us. For a moment, it made me miss other people. I like observing animals and I kind of love people watching at the zoo, too. This is an odd time.
First Experience But mostly I loved experiencing Charlotte's first zoo trip. She won't remember it, but I will. "I Want a Vaccine" Club Actually, I am in a club. I'm one of those people who wants a vaccine. It's curious to see these charts. It's crazy that we have to have this political divide with vaccines. Shouldn't we all want it? Why Not? So those who don't want it, have different reasons. Most just want to wait and see. 47% are worried about side effects. I sort of get that. But I figure a lot of "wait and see" people, just want the rest of us to get it... so they can be safe. Soon Don and I head home tomorrow and it looks like we may be able to get the vaccine at our doctor's office, back in Texas. I wish these 2 in Portland, could get the vaccine. If Charlotte had been due a month later, Heidi might have gotten vaccinated. Now pregnant women are higher on the list! Now she's just back to being in that younger, less risk group. All vaccinated in Oregon by July? Now they say sooner! California Today, Cha gets her vaccine. Her job as a social worker with IRC, has been tough to do virtually. I'm so glad she will be on her way to being fully vaccinated. Hopefully Scott won't be too far behind. I'm so proud of the young people in our family, who have done everything possible to keep themselves and others safe for a year. This is a weird stage, of different rollouts in different states and counties. Now there are more vaccinated people, than people who have had the virus. (I'm not in either club) But it's still a world where some are and some aren't. How wonderful when all households that want to be vaccinated... just are!
Charlie Turns One Month I had to get a photo with Charlotte. It was her birthday today. Ugh! Where did those wrinkles come from? What a contrast to Charlie's soft, smooth skin! What's to Blame? Covid or Cancer? The first pic was taken right before the pandemic worries set in a year ago. Maybe the lighting was just good. The second photo was taken weeks before I was diagnosed with cancer. That was almost 5 years ago, but still! Cancer treatments took their toll and then worries of Covid added more wrinkles. Who Cares? But I don't really care about those wrinkles. I don't have to stare at myself. Someday when Charlotte is older, maybe she'll notice my wrinkles. Maybe she'll wiggle my wobbly upper arms. My grandmother patiently let me do that! I'm Safe! For a while I'm safe! Charlie is seeing me through a her Infant Filter! Even when she's a year, she'll see a more youthful grandma! Celebrating! Really, I'm not focused on wrinkles today. We just have a couple more days with this sweet one. I'm absorbing what I can with my eyes and ears and touch. She makes the most lovely cooing sounds! Happy Pi Day and Birthday! We celebrated Charlotte's first month birthday, with a bunny puppet and pie! Charlotte was born on Valentine's Day and she turned One Month, on National Pi Day!
I love celebrations! A Year Ago This is me a year (and one day) ago. It was the day before I re-started this complaining blog. I'm smiling, but I was already in worry mode. That's why I started posting, to relieve stress. I never ever thought I would be up to 327 complaints. I never thought I would be posting a year later. Still Isolated It's been helpful, having this outlet for my rambles. I especially needed to vent during those first isolated months of the pandemic. But I need to move forward and stop all this recording. When I'm vaccinated I will stop. When everyone in my family is vaccinated, I will finally breath easily. I'll still enjoy walks in quiet places, like this. (Powell Butte Nature Park) But it will be a treat, not to avoid people constantly! What Happened This Year? It's interesting to look back at all that has happened in the U.S. and the world, in one year. I won't get into that now. But, what has happened in my own world, in 12 months? At Home Since we had so many months isolating at home, I feel like I should have accomplished some great things. I didn't write a book, or learn a language or even get out my old bike! What did I do? Early on, I got out the 40-year-old canoe and Don and I played ukuleles. We both learned how to Zoom and we had fun cooking and we had festive meals at the table! We celebrated just about everything we could think of. We got out and walked more and appreciated wildlife. I started playing piano regularly. I read a lot and I learned to juggle! Exploring Even though we were incredibly cautious, we left home and got out on the road. Our trips mostly revolved around meeting up with family. It's hard to believe that our travels let me see Oregon mountains and coast... farmland in Missouri. In Texas, we camped and picnicked and hiked. In January, we headed west. In our 2 months of Oregon, we've seen sun shining on the Willamette River and pine trees covered in ice. Can't complain. Being With Family One of the nicest benefits of the pandemic is how it's brought us closer to our kids, even though we're all miles apart. Don and I have also felt connected with our siblings, sharing worries and humor with Zoom gatherings. I could write a book with all I've learned, from daily phone calls with my dad. Best of all, we've been able to navigate this crazy pandemic and actually be in person with family this year. We pulled off a summer reunion with the kids and fall picnics with Dad in Missouri. We drove to Oregon 2 months ago and have been able to safely gather with family again. Best Thing The best thing that has happened during this pandemic year... Don and I became grandparents! It's been a weird and exhausting 12 months! If I'd known a year ago, that I would routinely wear face masks in a year, I would have gasped. If I'd known a year ago that I would be a grandma... I would have squealed with delight!
No complaints at the moment! Good-Bye Uncle Scott Scott's visit to see his niece went fast. It was hard saying good-bye this morning. It shouldn't have been, because we'll see Scott and Chali in California soon, on our drive home to Texas. Scott worked hard to make this visit happen. He stayed quarantined before, was tested more than once and drove from Sacramento to Portland. Sharing the Airbnb During the day Scott worked at his laptop and did Zoom meetings in the bedroom. We all gathered in the late afternoon and evenings. Scott got in a lot of baby holding time. He introduced himself as Unkie Scott! He also got to fit in some hikes/walks and feasts and a zoo trip. He was off at 7:30 this morning. I'm so glad he came. Another Drive Today, I got in the car and did my own road trip. It was a beautiful day and the drive to Olympia, WA was an easy one. I wanted to meet my sister's grandchild for the first time. Olympia is nearly 3,000 miles away from Houston, so I've never met Remy. It was only a 2-hour drive today, but there is a pandemic and I'm not vaccinated. But Nana J and Nana Kate were visiting Remy and installing a swing set. A perfect outdoor setting for a 1-hour visit! Sweet Remy! After nearly 2.5 years, I finally met this cutie. It was worth a 4-hour roundtrip drive, to see this sweet face! I can't wait for Remy to someday meet Cousin Charlotte!
Before I left I pulled down my mask and blew Remy a kiss. I wanted Remy to see what Aunt Beth looked like. Remy smiled from the Fire Engine Tent and I smiled the whole way back to Portland! That was a short-short visit, but I'm glad I went! One Year Ago A year ago today, the Covid outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. A year ago, most of us were beginning to freak out a little bit. We were told that it would take possibly years to come up with a vaccine. I didn't own a mask yet. I would have really freaked out if I'd known that today, I'd be wearing a mask and picking up groceries at the curb. Grandbaby But I also didn't know that in a year, I'd be holding my sweet grandbaby. A year ago, Heidi and Jamie weren't expecting. When we found out the news, it gave us something wonderful to look forward to! Tricky It's taken a lot of work navigating this pandemic world, so we can safely spend time with this baby. Uncle Scott was able to drive up and join the Quarantine Baby Bubble, a few days ago! I'm so grateful that our family has been in agreement, about how to cautiously be with each other.
A year ago I had no clue what craziness was ahead. I also had no idea what kind of wonderful things were ahead! A Year Ago Today On this day a year ago, I had some fun. You can tell I'm having fun, but I was actually worried. Color Factory I had reservations to visit the Color Factory in Houston. I was excited to see this curious exhibit, especially because I was planning on doing a COLOR theme with my senior and kid groups, where I volunteer. (I haven't volunteered in over a year now) But a year ago, the news was getting serious. NYC had shut down Broadway and NCAA had cancelled basketball tournaments. Should I really go to this exhibit, just because I already had a ticket? I stewed long and hard and then I went. It felt safe and guests were limited. I enjoyed myself and I used a lot of hand wipes. When I got home I felt guilty and about my selfish decision. From that day on I started thinking about keeping myself safe and also keeping others safe. The whole "Don't be a part of the problem" idea was just starting to be clear. Plans with My Sister I hate decisions. I'm really good when they have mask mandates and specific rules. I just follow the rules. My sister and I wore masks when we visited recently. But today, I'm deciding whether it's safe for me to have a visit with my sister's grandchild. Sweet R. is over 2 years old and we've never met! I have a chance to have a safe outside visit with Remy, along with Nana J & Nana Kate on Saturday. Should I make the 2 hour drive and meet their grandchild for the first time? I need to stay safe, so I can be back in my Quarantine Baby Bubble with my own grandbaby. I hate big decisions. I hate this pandemic. I hate navigating this world of safe visiting during a pandemic...
We'll see! Vaccinated People Can... Ok, I am not vaccinated. But I want to know what I can do when I am. It feels so strange to suddenly realize how many people I know, have recently been vaccinated. I don't qualify here in Oregon. Will all my vaccinated friends be partying and traveling without me, by the time I get back to Texas? Vaccinated People Should... Will someone please make this clear to everyone out there. I have a feeling that vaccinated people will quickly forget about those who aren't? Maybe I need to wear a tee shirt announcing, "I'm still waiting my turn for a vaccine. Please keep your mask on around me." If research determines that vaccinated people really can't spread Covid, then please get that out there. It will be hard for those of us who are still waiting, because the vaccinated people will be living the life, while I wait. But I sure hope we find this to be true soon, so more will be eager to get the vaccine. The more vaccinated people in the world, the safer I'll feel! Why Vaccines? Mostly I want everyone to have vaccines so we can start being grandparents in a normal world again. When we drive back to Texas in 10 days, Charlotte will be a month old. It will be hard being away. I want to be able to make plans to fly back and visit more regularly. I want my kids and spouses to be able to come home safely for Christmas or just to visit. I want to see my siblings and my dad and Don's family as well. Oh I can't wait!
9 Hours Alone I had the Airbnb to myself for 9 hours. Don left at 8 am and returned at 5:00, with Scott. I was trapped without a car. That was actually fine. I entertained myself. This Vitascope "puzzle" was a lot of fun, until it wasn't. I stopped at this point, which is not even halfway. Frustrated. I may never be able get this "working puzzle" to show the film strip, unless I acquire more patience. I'm proud I got this far. News I read a little news on my phone. This bit of news was not good to see. We'll be back in the Houston area in a couple weeks. Party! Too bad we won't be back in Texas, in time for this bit of fun! Ugh. This is a party to celebrate the governor's lifting of the mask mandate and the full opening of restaurants and bars. We'll be back 2 weeks after this party takes place. Just in time, to see the results of Texas reopening. Waiting I wanted to read outside, but it was cold and drizzly. I went for a run instead. After I showered and warmed up, it seemed like the perfect day to watch a movie in the Theatre Room. But it's chilly down there and I usually let Don my tech guy, deal with the feisty equipment. So I read and drank coffee instead. The sun came out for a bit and I stepped out to call Dad in Missouri and compare notes on the progress of spring. It was weird spending 9 hours alone. I haven't been alone for more than an hour probably, since this pandemic kept us home a year ago! It was odd and nice. Extra Nice! And then Don returned at 5, with "Uncle Scott". He has come to meet his 3 week old niece. He and Chali would have come together, if they could have flown safely. But her work schedule didn't allow her enough time off for a driving trip. Scott and Chali have both been safe and isolated in Sacramento, but Scott insisted on getting a Covid test before meeting his niece. Then he headed off on the 9 hour drive to Oregon. Don decided to help make the drive less daunting and met him halfway, at Medford Airport Parking. Why not? Don had the time. They enjoyed the 4-hour drive to Portland, together. Covid has made things like visiting new baby relatives, very tricky. But it has also cleared our calendars and given us time to figure out ways to be together. Reunion What a sweet moment to see Heidi showing off her sweet new baby to her smiling brother. Then Jamie gave Charlotte a quick diaper change and turned to Scott. "Want to hold her?"
It melted my mama/gramma heart to see my son cradle that little baby in his arms and coo to her. I will never forget! |
Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022