Who Was This? I listened to a voicemail yesterday and it made me worry that chemo brain was suddenly messing with me. I recognized a familiar accent... but I have a few friends with the very same accent. The voice sounded worried, or let down. "Why haven't you been here? Where have you been?" It sounded like I had stood someone up. Did I forget something? Finally It finally dawned on me that it was the voice of one of my favorite employees, at one of the 6 places where I've done my Quilt Program in the past 6 years. Not only did this special person take care of my mom when she moved into an Alzheimer's residence 8 years ago, she helped me with many of my quilt gatherings in the last 6 years. Last June Early on, I tried so very hard to cover my bases when I "took leave" of my groups. I called directors, stopped by, sent emails and texts. But these facilities, with their ever-changing staff, are busy places. I am just one person of many who do programs. Since one of my groups involves children and another is a group with Alzheimer's, I knew news would be shared cautiously. But I sure never wanted anyone to think I had just decided to stop showing up... after 6 years. Cards So maybe it's a little odd to send cards to some of my groups. But it was bugging me that anyone would think I had stopped caring. I contacted my dear friend who had phoned and I filled her in. Then I grabbed some old photos of The Quilt. The photos don't show the quilt "in use" with my groups, but I thought some might at least recognize the colorful old thing. Quilt Head I wrote a greeting to each group, then included a photo. Yes, I'm wearing a small quilt on my head. I told the groups I hoped to start up in the New Year. I hope that wasn't a weird thing to do. After all, my Alzheimer's folks aren't exactly wondering where I am. The children at the Shelter who knew me, have hopefully moved on. But it felt good to just throw myself into a card and send a little reminder... that I will be back!
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Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022