Dress-Up Yes, I know this wig is okay, but I still feel like I'm playing dress-up. I've had it thinned, but I'm finding ways to tame it some more, like with a scarf. This is so silly, like I'm trying to make it flat and limp like my old hair. While I was cleaning out my workroom, I found my old church veil in the costume box. It had the perfect weight for pressing down the poof, but I don't think wearing the wig and veil out in public will solve my self-conscious concerns. Holy Veil Oh, but it was fun being reminded of when I bought the veil in Venice at the age of 11. After years of wearing boring scarves to weekly mass, I looked forward to being one of the elegant, lace-wearing women at church. I couldn't wait to return to the Tallahassee and wear my veil. Of course by the time we returned home in 1969, the Catholic church no longer required women to cover their heads. I still loved my lace, though. Practice! My first real outing in the wig was when Heidi and I went dress shopping with Chali. It was a special day, watching my soon to be daughter-in-law trying on beautiful gowns. Heidi and I sat, sighing and aww-ing over each new look. But one moment, I caught a glimpse of myself in the fancy mirrors. Who is that lady with the prim and proper hair? I need to stay away from mirrors. Caution Against Wig Faux Pas I feel more comfortable in scarves and hats, but I forced myself to steal the wig off Betty-Lou, the wig stand and wear it more this past week. I wore it out to lunch a couple times and I actually forgot it was on my head. But getting more relaxed can be a problem. As I sat chatting away, I caught myself a couple times, messing with it absentmindedly... tugging at it, fiddling with it. Now I have to beg my friends to alert me of bad wig behavior. I don't want to be like an old granny, so used to her false teeth that she just removes them in public. I also need friends and family to point out when my wig is lopsided or just odd. I'm the kind of person who can run out the door with 2 different shoes. If get too routine about it, I might rush out, wearing the darn thing backwards. Creative Wig-Wearing Idea I was at home the other day, doing my big work-room cleaning project, when I got hot. I was wearing my wig and I'd had all I could take of it. I was too tired to take it downstairs to Betty-Lou. I looked for a place to lay the wig carefully. But with all the sorting piles and clutter, I was in real danger of accidentally donating a wig to Goodwill. So I just loosened and lifted the darn thing to cool my head. As I worked away, I chuckled to wonder how odd I must look. I leaned towards a mirror and gave myself a good laugh, to see Kristen Wiig's, Dooneese! The nutty SNL character, who claps Lawrence Welk's champagne bubbles with her tiny hands, is my all time favorite K. Wigg character! Now all I need are a pair of those tiny hands and a pink dress and my Halloween costume will be complete!
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Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022