Those Alone I'm of course the most sad, for those who are dealing with illness. But I also worry about the mental health of all. Especially those who are quarantining alone. My dad has been isolated in his assisted living space, for weeks. We talk on his landline daily. I can't see him, but he sounds well. We talk about the simple happenings in our worlds. I always bring up some happy memory from the past. But what effects will all this isolation have on him? Dad's facility put photos on FaceBook. Dad thought the sign thing was sort of silly. I told him he needs to come up with a good joke or an impressive poem, for the next time! Isolating With Good People Don and I watched this movie the other night and it was the healthiest escape ever. The old poster claims, "You'll Love Them All for giving you the swellest time you've ever had!" I did have a swell time! I love the nutty family and all their housemates! As I watched I chuckled to myself, "Now this is a my kind of Dream Quarantine Home!" I would love to be in a giant old house, filled with dancing, music, fireworks, feasting, banister-riding...! I will always associate this movie with our own Covid Quarantine. The movie made me laugh. It was fun imagining myself trapped at home with kooky characters. But it also made me stop and think about all the less fun or ideal quarantine situations, out there. How many divorces will result? How many couples or families were already dealing with huge stresses and tension, before quarantine and illness worries. I think about the Women's Shelter where I volunteer. How many more calls are they getting now! My Quarantine Buddy I've been thinking a lot about how fortunate I am to have Don as my Quarantine Buddy. When we married 40 years ago, my sibs gave us a canoe. We laughed that if we could handle canoeing together, we would be fine. Quarantining is a much longer test than a canoe trip. But I can't complain. In our Team Don & Beth, I am getting the better end of the deal. Don may not be a Team Rubicon member (just a fan and supporter) but he was a lifeguard in his young years and he's taken numerous wilderness first aid classes in recent years. He can play Nurse Don if he has to.
On the other hand, if Don gets sick I can entertain him, with about 3 songs on the ukulele. That's a horrible thought. We better just stay well.
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Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022