Suffragettes! 100 years ago, women gained the right to vote. This seems incredibly important right now. Why haven't I given it more thought? How I wish I had asked my grandmothers when they were alive, about their thoughts and memories of the suffragette movement. 100 years ago, these messages were designed by the artist and suffragette, Rose O'Neill. The second image is a reminder that Spanish Influenza was still a huge concern in 1920. Voting and Pandemics! Big issues then. Big issues now. Rose O'Neill I only heard about Rose O'Neill, a year ago. She's best known for the Kewpie Doll image that she created in her drawings and illustrations. Yesterday, Don and I literally spotted "Rose O'Neill Road" from the highway. I remembered the name and looked the museum up on my phone. I quickly called and asked about visiting. We arrived a few minutes later. Museum During the Pandemic Sometimes things fall into place. I was able to have a safe and private tour with Susan, who could have given me a 5 hour tour with all her knowledge. However, I told her I was trying to keep it extra short, (and safe) since I had a husband waiting in the car. Not my favorite way to see a museum, but I couldn't just drive by. Gallery The gallery was filled with O'Neill's illustrations and art from her long career. There was a Norman Rockwell feel to some. And and eerie fairytale feel to her "sweet monsters". Kewpie Dolls I remember my grandmother had a Kewpie Doll. Where is that now? So many people mix up the Kewpie doll and Precious Moments figures... or even the Campbell Soup Kids. O'Neill's Kewpies began as illustrations. They were so much more, before they ever became dolls. Rushing I hated rushing, but I was in and out pretty quickly. Before heading to the car, I dashed down the path to take in the gardens and absorb some of the colorful forest, surrounding. It was a treat seeing the grounds and the house, with no one around. I'm not even sure what this sculpture is? The hardest part was leaving before I had a chance to tour the house, which was actually rebuilt after a fire in the forties. I left with so many questions. I have questions about this somewhat under appreciated artist. I want to know more about the suffrage movement AND I want to peek at my grandmother's old diary. Did she vote in 1920?
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Not-So-Happy List
Cancer, Covid & Coronary... I started this complaining list/blog, in May 2016. I posted 200 gripes about my breast CANCER and then I was done. On March 13, 2020, I started venting all over again, when another disease (starting with a C) interfered with my life. This time it was the invasion of COVID and it affected every person. I ranted for a year, until I got my COVID vaccine in March 2021. CORONARY Artery Disease was the reason I restarted this blog on September 26, 2021. This time it was my hubby Don, who was dealing with a worry that started with the letter "C". Coronavirus and Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease! All are evil, but none can totally get me down... if I vent! I usually end up feeling a little more positive at the end of each post! Navigating This Mess! The most recent post is at the top, from coronary posts in 2022, back to cancer posts in 2016. To find past posts, look below the "Archives" section, to find "Categories". Archives
January 2022