Little Bear's Adventures
Eye of the Potato I've climbed in corn fields and I've climbed on tomato vines. I've posed with peppers and watermelon. Today I posed in the eye of a potato. Fake Potato First I posed with a potato that wasn't real. It was a giant potato, at the Idaho Potato Museum. Beth found a tiny dent and tucked me in, for a photo. She said it was a potato eye. Never heard of such a thing! After the big photo shoot, we headed into the little cafe, inside the museum. Lunch Of course Beth bought a baked potato. It didn't look very good. The bacon looked fake and the slippery blob of sour cream did not look appetizing. Potato Picnic Beth took the potato in the car and we drove to a rest stop. She ate the potato all by herself. I said, "No thanks! It's all yours!" Climbing the Lava Not far from the table, we found some walkways. We wandered and found some hard lava formations. The rock was once hot lava, that became solid a few thousand years ago! The rocks had lots of holes. They look more like eyes than those potato eyes. I climbed around on the rock, thinking about lava and potatoes. I guess all the lava has made the soil just right for potato growing!
I have determined that I prefer rock climbing, to potato climbing.
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Little Bear